I have an 1984 Evinrude 75 hp sitting on a pallet in my barn. $800. Send me your email and I will send pictures. Chaz Sent from my Pixel 2 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I have an 1984 Evinrude 75 that I bought as a back up plan that I don't need from a local marina that took on a trade. No controls, they told me it ran perfect, owner wanted 4 stroke. $800 Sent from my Pixel 2 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Same for us, we got a nice steelhead and nice king by 7:30 and didn't move a rod after that. Fished from 100-300, hooked up in 200. Back at dock by 10:30 Sent from my Pixel 2 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Haha... anytime! I think the camera at old light house hasn't worked since the virus started. Maybe they will get it going again soon. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I'm not saying not to control it just use letter timing that makes more economic sense since the fishing on lake Ontario is one of the biggest money maker for the state, 3 or 4 weeks wouldn't make that much of a difference. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I've lived on sodus bay for 8 years now and generally have to pull the boat out last week of August or first week of September due too the rapid drop off water. I understand this needs to be done but they should be able to wait until the middle/end of September. Many boaters have the same problem as me but come up from PA. Do they realize the money they are losing by lowering the lake so early. Guys quit coming up, going out to, buy fuel, etc. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I don't believe he came up this weekend, I told a few guys that are in the same campground that you were trying to get a hold of him. They were going to pass it on to him. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Wasn't to kind to us today, 1 Skippy and 2 other releases, fished from 50 to 280, from 6:30 until 11 in big rollers. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I thought collars were terrible so I bought rubber grommets to fit the wire & new hole, wrapped some electric tape on cable inside housing so it wouldn't pull thru. Worked great for last 3 seasons.
Sent from my C811 4G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
No problem Nick, anytime. Hope its something minor and if you want to fish just give me a call, my boat isn't like the green dolphin but it gets me out there!
Sent from my C811 4G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
My buddy has a few nice cottages at the south end of bay with private docks, Bay shore rentals, ask for Bill, 585-587-4713, tell him Chaz sent you.
Sent from my C811 4G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I use 2, 1 in each rod holder, then bolted a 2x6 from 1 to the other and bolted swivel bracket through 2x6 into gimbal. Works great since I hate drilling holes in the boat. Everything is bolted thru 2x6, rod holders etc. Take off to wash & wax boat or take kids tubing.
Sent from my C811 4G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Just took a ride around bay, no docks in at public launch near arneys. The dock at coast guard station is in parking lot bent up pretty bad and water looks low on ramp, however strong North wind today should help bring some water into bay.
Sent from my C811 4G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
What a change over night, I see open water form bay bridge at least to eagle island. If wind and temps keep up, I'm thinking you might be ok by the weekend. I would note that the water level here on the south end of the bay is 2 to 3 feet lower than it is normally at this time of year.
Good Luck
Today's wind breaking ice up on the south end of bay. Open water from bay bridge to grassy point. Also open water a few hundred yards out from third creek. Won't be long now if wind and temps keep up.
Sent from my C811 4G using Lake Ontario United mobile app