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Everything posted by jeb1340

  1. Has there been any discussion about having the marketplace both Saturday and Sunday?
  2. Flutter spoons. I think it's black pickle, psycho perch, silver backs. Golden goby,and chicken wing copper backs. Might be a little off on the names.
  3. Warrior spoons have been great on Lake Erie for walleye.
  4. Great selection of spoons. There is a big vinyl sign on the north side of the building, facing the lake.
  5. I believe Dan Colville is opening a shop in Wilson. I think it is located right in the harbor. His shop in Hamburg is called Colville Outfitters, 716-572-9268, I'm not sure of the name of the shop in the harbor or when it will be opening. I've been down to his shop (Hamburg) a few times and have been extremely happy. Great shop and a nice guy.
  6. Not a bad idea to rig a spare with 10 - 15' wires and stash it somewhere.
  7. If you are not touching land I don't think you need a passport or enhanced license. When we fish the Niagara River we just call in, give the registration number and the names and ages of all on board. In return they give you a number that you need to keep. I have never been boarded after calling.
  8. Anyone up for a drink after the show? There is a bar called Legends right around the corner.
  9. https://www.walleyecentral.com/classified/adviewer/30418
  10. Got off the lake around 7. Lake was building and still blowing strong. Marked very few fish this evening and after a few hours called it quits. I'd probably stay home if I were you. Doesn't look much better for tomorrow either. Don't know what you are fishing out of but will probably be a pretty bumpy ride.
  11. I think that it is harder to land a lake trout over 30 lbs because it is much harder to hook one. There are many more salmon over 30 swimming around than lake trout. I'm still a little confused on the reasons that the rules were changed but I will still continue to fish it. I was a little shocked today to see that a laker that is .03 lbs larger than the Grand Prize Salmon on the board.
  12. Shish Kabobs wrapped in aluminum foil. Put them under the doghouse around 8-9 and they are ready for lunch!
  13. Couldn't agree with you more Tim. How long do you think it will be before he tries to spend money from the conservation fund and uses the excuse "I gave a discount to the sportsmen and there was still a surplus so I felt that this was the best use of the money". I know that he isn't suppose to be able to do this, but you aren't suppose to be able to pass a bill in 16 hours either.
  14. DJ I was thinking about a piece of steel parallel to the original keel, maybe a one inch spacer between the two. Drill four holes in each and attach with 4 bolts? I might have to try it.
  15. Would some one be willing to post a picture of a keel and a half and possibly the weights/dimensions?
  16. The last time I ordered from them I believe I received my order prior to my card being charged also.
  17. Just curious, what didn't you like about the gold tips?
  18. Just a few thoughts: 1. Is it possible that these could be hosted by independent tackle shops? Identify four or five tackle shops that would be willing to be used as weigh in location and keep the entry simple $200-$300 per boat. Tackle shops handle all of the cash. A group of four or five committee members at each event. Check boats in the morning at the launch. Seal the coolers on return and man the weigh station. No raffles needed. Maybe a 50/50 and some hotdogs. 2. If these events are scheduled at the same as other events (having the "Niagara Tourney" the same day the ProAms are having the Orleans Tourney) this would eliminate numerous pros. 3. Would the ProAm committee be interested in participating and possible using a similar format as the Pros but for the Ams but on a different weekend? Instead of taking away from this event maybe adding to it?
  19. I'm going to bet that the top filet was taken from a fish that spent the winter in the creek and was probably darker in color, the one on the bottom was from a silvery fish that stayed in the lake. I think diet plays a big role in it. Bugs and crustaceans vs. emeralds and gobies. The flesh on the top one is similar in color to a brown caught out of an inland trib.
  20. Safe yourself $30 a piece and order them from the link below: http://www.franksgreatoutdoors.com/fish ... 00240.html I was looking for the same rod holder and someone else posted this a few months back. Great price and I had them by the end of the week. I'm not affiliated with Frank's just happy with their service.
  21. If you have to take them apart another option is to slip the heaviest rubber band you can find over the first eye of the tip section of the rod and then attach the snap to this and tighten the slack. This will allow you to keep tension on the wire during storage and prevent kinks.
  22. I had a similar issue with a small outboard. In the barrel the water only came up to a certain point. Mounted on the boat the engine sat much lower in the water. Same problem. I was told that there was more back pressure when the engine was mounted on the boat because of the depth of the water and this caused the plugs to foul. Our solution was to make the mounting bracket 4 inches higher on the boat. Never had the problem again.
  23. I picked up a few new to me reels with wire and intended to use my old dipsey rods. I have always used braid and was going to switch over to wire but have decided to keep the braid setups and just buy two new rods. I'm not sure if I should go with rollers or just a rod with a twilli-tip. Just looking for some suggestions on what others use for their wire setups. Thanks in advance.
  24. I had the same problem running the mags off of braid. I tried to correct the problem for a few weeks and then just went back to the 1s. I tried adjusting lengths of the leader, switching to just spoons, releasing at a even slower rate and problem still occurred. I never tried taking the snubber off and tying directly to the dipsy. Might be worth a shot.
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