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Everything posted by Shade

  1. When or where can you get a 2008 Pro/Am application?
  2. Like they say 3x a charm. After getting skunked twice we finally boated some fish. Started with boards and after 2 hours I switched to SD's/flies. Hammered them however nothing over 15lbs and NO trout. Green chrinkle with mountain dew doctor worked the best in 80 fow and 180' back. Can not catch trout but we will not give up.
  3. I was just informed by Ray that Channel 14 is off limits. There was a suggestion to go on 68. Lets try 68 for now and see how much chatter we get.
  4. we need to post the new channel.
  5. Seasquirrel, Check the posting LOC Friday. Lot of boats heading out, keep your ear on CH 14. Thats the LOU channel.
  6. Wkendwarriors - LOU members on CH 14, let us know how MN tackle worked.
  7. Are there two teams called Lucky Enuff? Fishtails and Waterlogged.
  8. Good luck guys. Will be talkin to ya Fishtails. Where is Mexico Bay?
  9. Who is going to be on the water Friday for the LOC? Who will be on LOU channel 14? For conversation I will be heading toward Wilson. Good luck, have fun and fish safe.
  10. 1st time out. Checked out new riggers and cannon SnT. Gear working great but fishing s_ _ ked. Marked a lot in 60 - 70 feet but no takers. There is a lot of debris around Olcott and I mean a LOT.
  11. Slippery Sinker in Olcott has them. I bought 3 today and they had more.
  12. Billy, You got a web site?
  13. Hey Billy, Let me know also if you would.
  14. Reeleasy, Fishstix I understand that 14 is going to be the LOU channel. So add that to your scanner. I will be sure to look up both you guys in Olcott.
  15. thromund, I put boat in slip today. we have a 20' Thompson slip 10 A dock Hope to catch up to you.
  16. I will also monitor it. Boat Name - Git - R - Done. My name is Howie out of Olcott.
  17. Thanks Maniac. All I need to do is get me a oiece of stainless.
  18. Thanks Ray
  19. Where did you buy a red/white with black dots or red/white. red? I can not find these colors.
  20. Fisherman08, Can you tell me where it is posted on how the cannon can be hooked without loosing the probe. I just bought the cannon and I see there seems to be a problem with the probe. Howie
  21. Ray, Were you using boards, rigging or flatline? How deep of water where you running? I can not get out until next wek and i am sure conditions will change by then. Howie
  22. I am looking for an observer. Anyone interested in making a few extra bucks please email me at [email protected]. I'll be inn Olcott Thursday 5/29 and more than welcome to join us. I also have a slip in Olcott and if ya want we can go out anytime prior to ternament. Give me an email.
  23. I will probably embarass myself for asking this question. RealDiel you work for Sunoco and from what I am reading there are a few Gas companies that get there fuel or oil locally or from Cananda. Her is my question. Gas has gone up because OPEC crude has gone up,right? Why did all the prices of gas go up in all the gas stations ,from all the oil companies even those who do not buy from crude OPEC? I must be missing something here.
  24. Shade


    I was planning on going out Saturday and Sunday in Olcott. The weather calls for Winds on Saturday to be NNE at 9mph. Sunday rain. Is Saturday good, bad? Thanks for the help.
  25. What winds should you look for when fishing Ontario. How about a best to worst senario.
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