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Everything posted by Shade

  1. Team HANNAH CHRISTINE will gladely sign no comm agreement. Howie
  2. Team Hannah Christine will also sign the gentlemens agreement as well. Howie
  3. Paul, Well said. This is what i mean. Come on guys we need to keep going and help what Paul suggested and make it happen. The old saying "Rome was not built in a day" but we need to start somewhere and we need you Captains that we all respect to step up to the plate. Come on Tom help us out. This is what we want lets put the past in the past and work together without ranting and at least try it. I still think we need to give the Observers the phones but keep them on. If a call come through he can hand it off to the teams captain and the captain can determin if it its an emergency. We all lock our doors at home, banks have cameras, stores have security but a thief will still steel. Lets keep the honest guy honest. I can not imagine going through the embaressment as a sportsmen and gentlemen getting caught cheeting. It worked in the WHI and it can work in the Pro/Am. Thanks Paul. Howie
  4. Ray, Don't forget the special Banana Cream Pie for Rod and his team with that secret ingrediant 123 GO. Howie
  5. I sssssstuder ssssome ttttttime. Shade
  6. Hannah Christine is in.....How ya doin Rod...congrats on the top ten finish in WIT. 50 Pros...26 Am..last year there were 49 Pro and 26 Ams. I am across the water at Hendleys this year....My Observer is Ray K. You still stayin at 4 Mile? Howie
  7. Each year there is a post over the Pro/Am rules involving either Observers or Communication. These post get a lot of attention and reactions. This year was the first WIT tournament and it was a huge success and I just wonder why? Was it the no-comm rule, the even field of 6 poles, allowing culling, allowing only kings or open water which led to no GPS co-ordinates? In my opinion the format inhansed the draw but I believe the biggest part of its success was it was a tournament put together by fishermen for fishermen and if any changes are made to improve the WIT next year it will be what fishermen want. NO POLITICS Seriously,my team had no business in the WIT with the field of this magnatude. As I said it was like ridding a mule in the Kentuckey derby but I can tell you this the experience and rush, PRICELESS. I can tell you this, you can not stop my team from continuing to participate, wether we finish in the top ten or bottom ten we will be there. For those teams who cash in you can thank us later for our continuing donations. Just send our table a couple of ! I would like to plead to the the highly respected fishermen out there, you know who you are from East end to the West end. I am asking that in order to keep the Pro/Am from dropping the Amature Division, as individuals or a group, help us get the message to the top committee members the importance a few changes that will help improve participants in both the AM Division as well as the Pro Division. I can not see the elimination of the Observer but there are a few other rules that need attention to draw more participants. I do understand where the smaller boats are coming from with there concern of Observers but I can not believe that with all the experience, knowledge and compassion for this sport a fair a workable structure can not be accomplished. Thank you Howie
  8. Happy Birthday Rick...enjoy the day Howie
  9. Shade

    Boat Deck

    Ray, Ya I have a lot of crap in the pours. I have a small steamer and it did take some of it out and I have a powerwasher I am bringing up Saturday to see if I can get it respectable seeing the fishings gonna suck. We have this really cool, intelligent and ballbusting Observer this year, and we have all the confidence in the world in his charming personality he will clean the rig while cooking them Lobsters he says his is bringin up.... : Howie
  10. Shade

    Boat Deck

    I know there was a thread on this subject before but I need to know what is a good or better cleaner for my boat deck. I have tried a variety of cleaners and nothing is working. Howie
  11. Congrats to Kevin and his team for putting an oustanding event together. My team and I thank the WIT for allowing us the opportunity to compete. It was a tough couple of days of fishing and mother nature was not at all cooperative. Bait everywhere but hooks were spread thin. A lot of of top names got skunked and let them tell there own take on the conditions. I am surprised that there where not any incidents with the fog we battled through as well, although we got a upclose and personal look at Free Spirit and Thrillseeker as they broke through the fog. Hopefully with 3 weeks from the Niagara Pro/Am the conditions and fish movement will allow for a competitive event. See ya'll at the Pro/Am. Howie
  12. I understand there is no start time but a weight in is 3PM is what I was told. Howie
  13. Olcott - Newfane you need to contact the town clerk in Newfane or Dawn (778-54620 and I believe they are full but call anyway. Across from there are 2 other marinas Hedleys-778-7771 and Mcdonogh - 778-7665 they may have am slip but ya better call now. I think but do not quote me, depends on what you want, it is about $50 - $60/foot. Shade
  14. We need an Observer for the Niagara Pro/AM, dates are June 4th and 5th. You are also invitrd to pre-fish with us on Thursday, June 2nd and Friday June 3rd. Please PM,email or call me at 716-401-9445 - email h_nola@yahoo.com. There will also be financial compensation as well. We have a 30' Cruiser and we will be fishing in the Amature division. Howie
  15. Hannah Christine is in for Niagara. Howie
  16. I am interested in the GPS unit. PM me a price. Howie
  17. I got a letter also and I was surprised at the due date as well. At first I thought it was junk mail, good thing I opened it. Someday they'll get it right I guess. Howie
  18. Probably dumb question but I need to know. What is the process or procedure in dock slips for the WIT? Are we responsible to make are own arrangements and if so can I get a contact number? I understand there are 2 marinas that will have spots. Howie
  19. Hope the wind keeps up so all the debris gets pushed down the lake. That stuff can be hazardess to the props. Shade
  20. First ya need to tell us where you from or what port you are near. Shade
  21. Thanks Rod. I thought it started Saturday, my mistake.. How ya makin out with the back up rig? Later, Howie
  22. PO BOX 441 GASPORT, NY 14067 Shade
  23. I think the Spring LOC runs from April 31st - May 8th. I believe Pike season opens the 1st Saturday in May which would be May 7th. Shade
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