Fellow LOU members,
Here's the latest on the SAFE ACT challenge. It looks like Judge Skretny rejected the seven round provision today, but upheld just about everything else. Not sure where this takes us......
Happy New Year,
With all due respect - I think it's unethical to have used a .204 ruger to kill a deer at 163 yards. Yes, everyone will make the argument that you can kill a deer with a pellet gun if the shot is placed properly, and yes the .204ruger is a legal caliber in NY (the only illegal rifle round in NY to hunt deer is a rimfire cartridge), but you're talking about a 32-40 grain bullet that's smaller than the diameter of a .22lr.
I'm sure you had a well placed shot, but I'm certain the outcome could have been different if your shot missed vital structures. Most .204 Ruger bullets are only 32-40 grains, compared with the common .270 which is typically 150 grains. Although the .204 is a zippy little cartridge, you're losing a ton of muzzle energy at a distance of 163 yards (I believe the muzzle energy of a .204 at the end of the barrel is only around 1300 ft/lbs.and I would imagine around 200 yards that it drops to around 600-700 ft/lbs). Compare that with the .270 where the muzzle energy at the barrel is 3000 ft/lbs and still around 2000 out to 200 yds.
.204 Ruger - legal to hunt deer? Yes.
Ethical? you decide, but for me I keep this gun for varmints
- Chris
Take a look at page 45 Tg8 - here's a reference to put my money where my mouth is.
And yes, you have no idea what you're talking about but I guess I'm crazy.
Good luck on the water,
It's nothing more than a decimal. I have no idea what Tg8 is saying above.
48 with a subscript of 9 would mean the depth is 48.9 feet or meters or fathoms depending on what unit of measurement you are using (obviously this feature is more relevant if you're using fathoms or meters since the decimal part would represent greater distance of depth)
- Chris
Bucket -
You didn't by any chance have this deer processed at Smith's Meat Packing in Marion did you?
I happened to see a similar doe laying on the pile tonight with the biggest head I've ever seen on a deer and it looked just like yours.
Thanks for sharing,
I'm seeing 50/50 split bucks to doe which is not typical for me as I usually see more doe (Wolcott and Ontario). Average number of buttons for me. Most doe have two offspring. Bucks I'm seeing are bigger racked than previous years. Doe I'm seeing are bigger and the one I harvested was bigger than previous year's harvests. No ticks.......yet......
Good luck this year,
- Chris
Man - what a great story. Rob - this has been one of my favorite hunting posts to date. I loved your narrative, pictures and even more importantly your resilience to find your deer. These are absolutely amazing creatures with an incredible will to live.
I think many folks would have given up at the lack of blood - great work on your part to keep up the search.
From a medical perspective, I wonder if you didn't hit an artery or vein within the lung itself, only lung tissue, so it didn't bleed as much.
Thanks for sharing - be safe and good luck in the field,
Do your homework - find out what the local laws are governing pawn shops (I know there was some recent NY legislation last year requiring pawn shops in some areas to document purchases and sales), put in a police report, ask to see video store surveillance, whatever.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease so find out what laws the pawn shop has to follow, b/c if they didn't they are liable. The pawn shop isn't going to tell you what the laws are, you're going to have to find out for yourself.
Good luck and keep us posted,
Good luck on your retrieve. RW is nothing more than a troll - leave him alone and ignore him and it'll drive him crazy. I lost a big doe last night after my arrow was deflected and hit further back and I had liver blood and stomach contents as the arrow deflected rearward. Looked last night for a few hours and this morning for five more and nothing. She went into the thickest overgrown vineyard I've ever crawled through in my life. It's amazing how these magnificent creatures can fight to the bitter end and run and hide.....
Please keep us posted - i.e. if you use one of the tracking services or if you find the deer.
Good luck and please be safe in the field,
Curious - what Wildgame camera do you have? I just bought 4 new ones myself and there's more blur in them compared with some of their older models I also own.
Awesome buck and story, but please let me get this straight - you bowhunt from a stand 30 feet in the air? Out of 15 stands I own on three of my properties, my highest is 20 feet and it gives me a nosebleed.......you've got some serious stones to hunt that high up and shoot accurately........
Way to go - good luck the rest of the season,
1.) Yes they would work for Lake O. Salmon
2.) I'm not sure why you would use 5 color and ten color core set ups for lakers? Typically lake trout fishing is bottom fishing, using downriggers.
3.) That being said, the 45's would be fine as lead core reels, but I think buying three Convectors would be better than buying 6 lower end Magda's
Good luck,
Ahh Hans, that's terrible buddy. I believe there was another I-Bay break in posted on this site. I hope there is video evidence and if so, it will be broadcast on the news so these f-kers will be punished.....
What a way to end the season,