Launched out of tremen ( south end ) ran two riggers and two lines off the big boards, headed up the East side 30-50 FOW , could not keep the lines in the water , little L.L. Drove us crazy. Moved out over 120-180 FOW, hook-ups slowed down but still getting dinks. Went around Crowbar point and both riggers released , two 4 lb. L.L. That gave us a great show and a big mess, ( stopped running two lines off the boards , ran one on each side as a corner weight rod ) both got into the rigger fish. Reset line and made another pass, dinks again , turned for another pass , dinks, went across lake to salmon creek ( Myers point ) popped a nice bow , board line and a nice brown, 4 1/2 lb, kept the brown released the bow. Made a pass down the middle back to launch , did several 3-4 lb. lakers off the riggers , down 80. We were glad for the hard top and the little buddy heater ! All spoons. Size didn't matter as long as they had pink or yellow on them .