when re-reading my last post on the Meyers point project I realized that my negative remark was not called for and was probably taken the wrong way. for this I am sorry! when I stated that the response was very poor I was not directing that to anyone on this site, it was my disappointment in the Ithaca journal, times leader and most of all the NY DEC STAMP program, none of them would return my calls or answer my E-mails? I really do thank every one that has sacrificed and donated to the lift project! there has been a lot of requests for a price and a goal, the price(not set in stone) is around $7,000, the goal is to have a work day to install it in Aug. this can happen if I can find a buyer for the Blue Bubble, if not then it probably won't go in until next spring. once again I would like to apologize for my negativity and I am sorry if I upset anyone with my remarks. As of this writing we are at $425.58 GOD bless Rollie