Many years ago I had a 14ft with a new 9.9 johnson stolen from Sutters in Irondequoit bay.Had that boat before I could drive or even own A car.That anger never goes away!!!thirty-five years later I still dream about catching those pieces of sh??
The out flow in front of ginna has been bouyed off since 9/11/2001.The prime reason for the "off limits" is to prevent someone from intentionally blocking the intakes to the nuc.plant, could make for a bad day if this were to happen.You can still catch early spring browns there.See report splash down 1-15-13.Just have to stay outside the bouys.
Nice job especially on a solo trip!! looks like your "future crew" is ready for some spring brownie action!Pray for south winds on Monday Call me let me the spiderman hat!!!
Thank-you for the reply,We plan on taking up a collection at work next week. I hope the state police have a plan in place for the services on monday as well.
Does anyone know if volunters are needed to form a protective circle so the families can grieve without interference from these idiots.Any info would be appreciated. Count me in! i feel the need to do something in the wake of this sensless tradgey.
[urlahttp][/url] I arrive to camp Friday afternoon only to discover somone did not care for my ground blind and tore it down along with my trail tape ?The land I hunt borders state land. I dont know why some so called sportsman act like this? Seems to me their is enough people/groups against hunting we should not be fighting amongst each other.After doing the necessary repairs on my blind I get to camp and find the mice used the Decon I put down to build a nest in my shoes and my coffee pot ? I was beginning to wonder what else could go wrong? After no sleep on Fri nite thinking about who would mess with my blind I was in the woods Sat morning with a poor attutide.After a few hours of hunting I began to think if these are my biggest problems in life Iam pretty lucky! Sunday came and I had a much better attitude and got down to business.At 2p.m. after using my bleat can most of the day evey half hour I had a visitor looking for love. He took me by surprise as the squirrels were playing chase around me most of the day never heard him coming.The mice and the Squirrels have it in for me.I made a good shot. He went 60 yards and dropped by the treestand of the person who "remodeled" my ground blind. Some times carma is a bit?? Good luck to all and be safe
Hey Trouthunter9 was down to camp yesterday doing some work on the camp it seems like down here in Almond we just dont see the number of deer we used? I was wondering if you have made the same observations?Always nice just to be out getting a deer is just a bonus. Hope the big one comes your way!To bad the snow did not last too long.
Irun a 90hp johnson,the champion plugs seemed to foul out quicker. 10 years ago i switched to AC Delco plugs M40FFX.This ac plug is a direct cross with theCHAMPION. Motor ran much better one set of Ac's per season. My buddy has a 75h.p. Evinrude same problem w/Champion,swiched to the Ac plugs 100%better .Both are two strokes.The 90 h.p. had acomplete rebuild 12 years ago.
I was thinking of fishing I-bay on Monday ? with my 14ft. Anyone out over the weekend? Any info would be helpfull as far as skim ice ect would be helpfull. thanks.
Mickey Finn I also run the berts ratchetting rod holders for my dipseys on my aluminum boat.I Made 1/2 thick aluminum plates above and below the gunnell.the upper and lower plates provide plenty of support for the stress of a dipsey application. The upper plate is drilled and tapped1/4-20 the base has clearance holes . Good luck great rod holders!