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on the lam

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Everything posted by on the lam

  2. I missed most of you as I was in and out early in the AM. The place was stocked, sorry I missed the Rep's. Had a little issue though, my credit card caught fire cmon' spring.
  3. U guys have no imagination...... "BALLS DEEP" ><<<<'> And if the wife/gf says no, "BLACKJAW" . I wish I had that one
  4. I don't think there are any restaurants in Pulaski, just "places to eat"
  5. Whats up with that Tom??? Is it because they are not a culinary institute
  6. Bob, I will come if you could get me a girlfriend or a wife to borrow Actually I may very well be there, does anyone what time the event begins??
  7. I was thinking of him Grey
  8. Feelin good after an Orange beatdown of Nova. New #1 on monday. Best 40 minutes this year.
  9. Nice pic's Tom. WTG Grey
  10. Is the bear cold at the Algonquin?? I love Lake George.........in the summer
  11. search ap12r on this board. This topic has been discussed in length. I have the same unit and love it. Main thing to know, you need 11" of space behind the helm for the install, or have the ability to make a cutout to provide the space needed. good luck
  12. who told you that Bob
  13. Flashabou has been on my boat for many years, can say for sure that it catch's fish
  14. Happy birthday Rich
  15. Hank's the MAN
  16. I got my renewal from Untied Marine Underwriters this week. I gave Boat US a shot at the same exact coverage. They quoted me at $105 dollars more. I'll renew with UMU.
  17. Way to go Liam. Did you kill the neighbors cat yet??
  18. Nice rig Lil Grey You can use that bad boy to go get ducks as well
  19. Have a reputable surveyor in the area the boat is from inspect the boat and verify owner/ownership. Double insurance against a bad boat and/or a scam.
  20. WTG Brian Pig roast at the dock
  21. Wait a minute!!! Salmonbound states in his profile (Im the best there is, The best there was,and the best there ever will be.) So how does this challenge have any legs??? It sounds like a slam dunk for Bob?? I know neither of the combatants to be fair.
  22. Sweeeet
  23. I got that
  24. Birthday wishes from NJ Happy Birthday Stan
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