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on the lam

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Everything posted by on the lam

  1. Shocktop sunset BTW, those rod holders suck, I bagged them.
  2. I had my mounts up for 5 years, in between wife number one and number two now they hang in the garage lucky you Ray.
  3. Boy Ray, I bet your body and fender guy must really love you after all those collisions
  4. Ya mean the mountain lion draggin the deer wasn't true!! It wasn't in NJ???? I have been writing my senator to try to get a season
  5. Sounds like a Red Sox fan to me Go Yanks
  6. I could tell you from experience from hunting in NJ for 35 years, we have a large healthy herd and all you need is an acre or two between homes, and the ability for deer to move freely around them, and you have perfect deer habitat. The one thing that is consistant with taking large deer (p&y) is that usually they are taken in that type of a setting. I believe that with the lack of pressure, and the deers ability to identify a safe haven (around homes) and they adapt very quickly, and grow big. By far the biggest problem in NJ is car/deer collisions. This past year the state allowed crossbows as well as allowing bow hunters to hunt within 150 feet of a occupied dwelling (it used to be 450) and sunday bow hunting. BTW,the bear population has exploded in some areas and the bears have also adapted to the urban setting.
  7. Ray, you make a good point about urban deer, they adapt very easily in an urban setting. In NJ, without and natural predation the deer multiply like rabbits. All you have to do is look at the liberal deer seasons and see a deer a day can be taken in NJ from sept to feburary and every year the herd is stable and plentyful. With most hunters paying attention to conservation and trophy management, bigger bucks are being taken all the time. Also winter kill is practically non existent. So i would guess if your in a rural setting where there was a coyote problem, along with winter kill and farmer permits, things could get tough in a certain area and maybe not another. BTW, last week I saw a road kill in secaucus NJ about 1 mile from the lincoln tunnel, now thats urban.
  8. Chowder u understood that?
  9. Well said Ray, and Merry Christmas to the LOU family.
  10. Nice pic's Cody. I was up a couple weeks ago, 1st time in many years on the s/r. you did well and thanks for sharing
  11. This thread just hit some ice, skidded off the road and crashed
  12. See, your nothing more than a closet copper lover
  13. Go get his daddy Ray 155-160" IMO I'm certain that that kid was somehow responsible for a rash of garbage can fires , as well as shooting neighborhood cats at one time or another.
  14. I realize this thread had been running for some time. Its title says it all. I'm suprised it's still running strong. I must admit I am on the site quite often and never saw the need to get involved in a discussion that to me has a real simple answer. I have not read a single entry except for the last three (I liked Ray's alot) but point being, if there is a limit set on what you can take, than why does it matter how many rods it takes to achieve that limit. Now if you say then people will catch and release alot of fish above the limit while running a boatload of rods, thus putting a strain on the fishery, then maybe there is room for discussion. (I don't feel that that would be a problem) I hope that didn't sound stupid due to the fact that i didn't read most of the responses. How bout 4 rods per person and one for the dog.....
  15. or maybe......14
  16. Good news, and continued goog luck
  17. I won't hold your youth and inexperience against you Grey
  18. Silverseeker asked the question on Stan's earlier thread, so how old is everyone, thats if you are willing to admit. It may be interesting putting an age to a name. For the guys I have met personally, I could guess but don't really know. (well I know a couple) So i will admit to being 48. 10/31/61. I remember the Robert Kennedy assassination (68) and the first man on the moon (Neil Armstrong 69).
  19. Nice story Congrats to the young hunter
  20. I just chucked out the Cabelas Propane, good unit, just that I abused it. It wasn't the stainless model. had it about 7 yrs also and loved it. I think i will explore an electric next, seems easier to regulate heat, is that true???
  21. I know you are, and you can't have mine
  22. And the answer is 10990
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