I'm not going to get into this conversation about the open division directly, as i have never entered it. When I first decided to fish pro-am's i definitely was out classed and that was in the AM division. Then I decided to get my captains license, not to charter, just to have a better understanding of my boat and proper navigation, so I became a weekend warrior/amateur with a Captains license. So if I wanted to fish Pro-Am's it would be in the Pro Div. So on to the pro side i went. And what will happen, as happened to me, is you find out about yourself, your ability to catch fish and make "tournament" decisions and how that stacks up against the best. If you feel you are out of your class, then back out, lesson learned, if not move forward with a plan for next year.
I like to compare Pro tourny fishing to professional baseball pitching. there are those pitchers, and there are only a few, that go out every fifth day and you could expect to get a good performance out of them. Then there are the rest of the "pro" pitchers who on any given day will throw a gem, and the Cy Young guy will have an "off" day, and the average guy wins. So if you feel you "belong" in the division you fish, and your confident you can "compete", then stick with it, your day will come. For me, I am still waiting for my day in a Pro Am. I've been in the top 5, bottom 5 "comeback award, you name it. Like the lottery says, "You have to be in it to win it"