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Everything posted by chowder

  1. Jeez Richard, your making me feel not so bad I have spent the last 3 days and tomorrow on a tractor instead of a boat! Well guys, are there fish to be had out of Port Ontario this week or what? You guy's running Js? Give me the low down, will be up there Tues, Wens or Thurs!
  2. Get the torpedo weights from A-TOM-MIK, a great tracking, low blow back weight for a great price!
  3. Ray, if you are going to "milk the chicken" in my barn, I'm going goose hunting!
  4. A foot note for guy's getting started: I started out on 9/2 w the following program; 2 mag wire dipsy rigs, set on 1.5 w/ 1 out 180'-white crush smart fish/crinkle green and the other 250' out white/green dot spinny green&white siggs fly. 2 short riggers down 90', DW SS feelin Irie, & 100' Mtn Dew spinny/mtn dew pulse fly 2 out down riggers 60' ,DW SS watermelon and 70' Crazy ***** spinny & fly I cheated the spoon rigger w a stinger chicken wing slider 1 200' copper w/ gold& green hammered mauler off an inline board 1 10 color w/ Blk/silver rapala off an inline. I couldn't believe I didn't get a hit after 10 minutes since this general approach has clobbered them since July. Changed speeds, cut across bottom contours, raised & lowered riggers,increased leads, etc. Then changed 1 spoon or flasher at a time untill things began to crank up. Was it actually changing the colors that made things click or did I just finally run into some receptive fish? Well, it doesn't matter! You gotta do stuff that keeps you interested in being in "hunt" mode, changing small things and looking for patterns-it keeps you alert and increases confidence- which in the end is the most important thing to have on your boat! Purple didn't save the day-enjoying the challenge of getting into them did!
  5. Great to see you and your crew got out, had a good time, and BAPTIZED the boat no less!
  6. Well, we were going up to Port Ontario but a cow issue came up that ate up the 4-6 am time slot, my three sons were still game for an outing so we headed to Meyers. Started off by one of the boys putting the plug in the live well hole, had to pull the boat/ start over etc. Got out off T-falls over 300 FOW,had fish & bait and Dad (me) gets ready to put on a show. 1 hr later (didn't read Bill's post till just now) but w/ a very similar program to what he must have run, and an incredible zip! I was stunned. Moved in to West side into 120' and got one truly massive laker (12+) on 10" purple/crush glow spinny w/ mirage fly, 180' out on the mag wire, then a couple good lakers in a row on a gold hammered Mauler out on 200' copper board line(couldn't really figure that out but hey what the heck, I got the kid's attention now). Worked my way up towards Kidders & got one on the bloody death spoon down at 70' over 140. Crossed & checked out the middle again on our way over to scope the AES stretch, got another good laker on the big purple flasher/fly again. There was a fair amount of weeds around the plant so we headed back towards T-Falls. Finally I said to myself hey if it's a purple day let's run it. That's when things really got cooking. Ran 600' copper, 90' rigger and both wires w/ 10" purple flasher/ fly combo and various purple flavored DW SS spoons, the purple stuff took our best Bow and Salmon of the year so far + a bunch of big lakers anywhere from 350-150 FOW, mag wires at 320-180' out on 1.5, down speed 1.9-2.3 . One of those day's where you say to your self; that was pretty weird, but I'll take it!
  7. I have since taken the back seats out/ gives me a better reach, still need to get a longer net- thanks for your concern.
  8. If you go back through posts labeled something like "Seneca 8/30" or "Cayuga 8/28" you will get a very good idea of what guy's who are catching fish are using and at what depths,speed,presentation method, etc. Go right on back thru the whole season.
  9. I have been fishing for Kings out of Port Bay this summer and some days when the action has slowed I have moved out to deeper water and still searched for Kings w/ some deep lines but have gotten some good steelies on high spoon riggers,cheaters and short copper/cores off the boards. Will this work if I am fishing around the mouth of the Salmon river? If so, where should I start, 250'? How far out do you have to go to find 250',etc?
  10. Thanks Tom, the reason I ask is that I use a palomar knot to the snap swivel and move my flies around by taking off the snap swivel, and there are some differences in the snap swivel sizes used by the different companies. Seems to me we ought to just talk about the distance between the fly and the flasher not, the leader itself but now I know and I guess I have been running "shorter" leaders than most!
  11. Does anybody have a sense of how far out (FOW) I would need to go to get into steelies off the mouth of the Salmon River? If it's 250-350', I'm curious how far out I gotta go to get there, I don't have a contour map in front of me.
  12. Will be day tripping, Port Ontario. What channel is the LOU crew gonna use?
  13. Good going! Did you mark a lot of fish and or bait?
  14. When people talk about fly leader length does it include the length of the snap swivel or not? I have always assumed the snap swivel was part of the total length.
  15. I'm jealous; calm water, sunny skies and a pile of fish-now that's the kind of day on the water I like!
  16. I would just remove what you can, cook it and eat it. If it smells like fish eat it!
  17. Rollie, the Simrad AP-12 or 14 is probably the best bet but God help you if you need serious technical assistance or have a problem w/ the unit cuz service is not great!. It's not really that complicated a piece of equipment & you don't need to interface it w/ GPS etc to get most of what you need from it. You do need a certain amount of space behind the dash to fit in the helm which is basically an electric motor controlled by a computer chip, the chip is connected by a wire to a separate compass unit. You may need to change the teleflex cable too. Ask Hank at L&M about these units! If you see me at Meyers just come on over and you can get a quick sea trial!
  18. Things will begin to change now as the Landlocks,Lakers and Browns are begining to get ready to spawn. On Cayuga the action will probably be more from AES to down past T-Falls, the deeper water(250+) has held enormous numbers of suspended Lakers on an average day- they will eventually move and show decreasing appetites(don't know exactly when. it's been a strange summer)but they should be acive for a while yet. If you troll mid lake you will not have to deal w/ the bottom contours coming up and messing w/ you while you are trying to land fish or change out(I know what it's like to troll w/ 7 year olds.)If you read back through peoples reports for certain days in the past few weeks you will get a good idea of what will work in terms of a program, check out a bunch of posts and then ask some more specific questions.
  19. I know some guys who are very skilled at deep jigging for lakers, browns and landlocks, they tried the technique on Ontario and hooked a few of Kings but were not able to get one into the boat. I think the main problem is finding them w/ the jigging technique can be time consuming and if the fish are below 70' it get's much more difficult to detect the strike quickly enough to get a good hook set.
  20. Nice going Scott, good to see you are baptizing that boat on Ontario too!
  21. On Monday I got a King that had broken off 2 of the 3 points on a Spoon treble- so I don't think it's just a fly rigging issue. As that mouth hardens it must give them tremendous leverage on a treble, is this why some people like the siwash style single? I see that a lot of West Coast squids are rigged w/ singles.
  22. Fishing Report Your Name: Andy Bartlett / Boat Name:Saint Mo ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):8/24 Time on Water:6:30-8:00 am Weather/Temp:squalls/mild Wind Speed/Direction:8-10 NW Waves: 3+ Surface Temp: Location: off east port bay LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 6 Total Boated: 3 Species Breakdown: 2 Browns/ 1 King Hot Lure:white smartfish+green krinkle / watermelon SS/ green dolphin Trolling Speed: Down Speed:2.1-2.4 Boat Depth: 60-200 Lure Depth:50-110 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Today I conducted an experiment to see if a light weight aluminum boat heading into some good rollers and white caps w a guy puking over each side could still be used by a 3rd guy to catch fish, and the answer is "sort of - for a little while". We managed a couple browns on the way out to find King temps and then just as the screen started to look like something was going to happen - IT DID! (unfortunately the thing that happened was that the dark angel of projectile vomiting graced my crew as the rigger and dipsy both went off). In the end out of 3 fish on over a 1/2 hr or so I got 2 kings(20#+-) to the back of the boat but only 1 made the net.With both of my crewmates huddled in the fetal position and blocking my access to the riggers and dipsy rods, I actually felt some empathy for them and pulled the plug on my shortest fishing trip of the season. ====================
  23. Jim, NICE FISH! We might see you out there tomorrow! I haven't decided whether to head west or east out of the bay -Andy (White/Blue Starcraft Islander w/ Blue Bimini and too many rods)
  24. CBish is dead on about dipsy variability and remember it's a "dive curve" - not a simple formula for line out = feet down, because the resistance increases exponentially. I use the Mag dipsy diver from Walker and the 2' of wire/1' down rule works ok down to 80' or so and then it starts taking more than a 2' of wire to get another 1' down (the old law of diminishing returns) That being said, I do wonder where my Mag diver(set @ 1.5) is with 320' wire out @ 2.1-2.3 mph( down) any guesses? What does the "Book" say?
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