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Everything posted by chowder

  1. Went west to start. Running same basic speeds and program as last trip. After a quick fish had trouble so went shallower then headed out. Hit fish in 150 on all 3 riggers, turned due to building waves and headed east in 150 continued to take sporadic fish on riggers, could not get divers with small flasher and spin n glo or flies to go so switched to spoons behind divers. Divers began to take fish and deep meat rigger started working. Short cores on boards took only 1 fish. 5 man box of Coho and a few Kings by 11:30.
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  2. Ditto on that spoon on 5 color yesterday. Tomorrow will be a different story...
  3. Fantastic! What a way to show a kid how people can work together to surmount difficulties and how persistence and flexibility eventually put you on fish. That day should be on a brass wall plaque for all fisherman to remember. Way to go!!
  4. Solid condition , not pristine. Make an offer. Pickup in Olcott
  5. Ran west at 2.0 to 3.2 gps in 50-90 fow with a screen full of fish from 30’- bottom. Boat traffic was significant. Riggers 30,40,70 down, slidediver down at 30-60, dipsy at 40-60 down, 8 and 5 color off big boards. Deep meat rigger went zip, 2 driveby hits on both spoon and flasher divers. Got a box of 1 King n rest Coho on spoon riggers and spoon cores on the boards. Bite seemed to disappear at around 10:00am for us.
  6. yeah.. uh never seen a 47 with the counter over the spool - theyve been off to the side for years and years so..
  7. I'll post pics when I get back to Olcott. Not new looking but rock solid reels. Buyer can meet me or pay shipping. Thanks.
  8. Best of luck- you have a good attitude!
  9. Way back I used to put a dipsy bottom on slidedivers and fastened with a small screw, then they dived exactly like a dipsy but were cumbersome to adjust
  10. Yep, what he said...,
  11. Strap diver to rod seat with Amish Velcro strap. Wrap leader around reel and use hair zingy through swivel to tension leader end by wrapping around drag or line counter etc. simple and keeps tension on wire which is critical- Never undo anything that will have to be redone to fish UNLESS necessary
  12. Picked the big Crestliner up at L&M (Hank's) on Friday after a long winter for that boat and started organizing things in the afternoon but wife came home and wanted to sit in the sun and have a beer so... Anway, boat ran like a top, but I had forgot to put my spoon pads in the boat so all we had were the ones that were still on the rods. All's well when your'e with friends. I also forgot to toss any fish rags in the boat.
  13. Well done! I'll fish for them all day with a couple ultralight rods. Still over 8 lbs of walleye fillets in the freezer though...
  14. Reel Doc and Traveling man joined me for some fun fishing/ shakedown mission with the big Crestliner today. Fished a lil East in 90 -100 fow with riggers at 50, 60 n 70 down. Slide divers down 35-45 . 8 and 10 colors w/ spoons off big boards and a 300’ copper w/ jointed rapala down the chute. Mostly spoons on other stuff + a ‘joelagreca’meat rig/flasher combo on 1 rigger.Surface speed: 2.5-3.1. All presentations took fish. Mostly kings today with a few pushing into the 20#s . Nice day on the water with old friends
  15. Worked East of Port in 70-90 FOW. Ran riggers 60-30 down , 10 color & 7 color off big boards, Slide divers down 30-45’. Spoons were on all lines. Varied surface speed from 1.7-3.0. All presentations took fish. The 3 guys boxed out with a nice mix of Kings and Lakers.
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  16. I drifted the river some Thursday, especially before and then out past the coast guard station. Marked some fish but not much bait. Continued my search to the green can and then on out to the red can marking a few fish but no bait. Caught 1 laker drifting emeralds.
  17. You betcha. Not out today (Saturday) but have a trip tomorrow and will post a quick summary.
  18. Went way west today in search of kings . I was convinced that the suspended fish were kings but came to realize that most were lakers. Worked 70 - 120 fow . Found very active lakers in 70 fow from 65 to 30 Down on spoons behind riggers, core and slidedivers
  19. I usually consider a bulk of the fish coming on junk lines to be an indication that the fish mood was negative. Stomach contents: 1/2 full of partially digested smelt,emeralds, alewives
  20. Worked most of the water column from 50-80 Fow with spoons on 7 and 10 colors off big boards, slide diver and riggers . Ran FF on wire diver and a 4 color stick down the chute. Varied speed from 1.8 to 2.6 . Took 1 laker on 10 color, 2 on slide diver , 1 on rigger. Marked no bait. Only marked 3 suspended fish , most were closely associated with bottom
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