General pointers on jigging for Flx lakers: 7’ mh rod, baitcasting reel, 12 lb superbraid to 5’ 8lb floro leader ( Albright knot). Have 3/4 - 1.5 oz jig heads - sharp sharp hooks. White super fluke , and chartreuse. Find a concentration of lakers- don’t jig where there are no fish ( keep looking). Use bowmount to maintain position. Drop straight down, bounce 3 times ( that’s it!) then rapid retrieval. Most hits are light, like a ‘tick’. When a ‘tick’ is detected set hook absolutely immediately, many people just miss a lot of the hits. They will chase on retrieval as well and this hit is unmistakable. They will hit on the drop sometimes, best advice for anything but the retrieval hit ( instant rod load) is set the hook anytime something seems off. In general 50-60 fow is great, keeping the jig vertical gets tougher at 100. Start with 3/4 , increase as necessary to maintain vertical presentation. Did I mention that you absolutely should find a concentration of fish. Yeah I did. If you can’t find a concentration you are far better off trolling drop offs or wherever you can find bait