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Everything posted by redeyes

  1. i should be out there
  2. hey, at least you got out
  3. ill take the fish-redeyes,never bought anything from here so tell me my next step 607-343-0184
  4. went out of state park,,,it was wide open
  5. what about letting a member sell one
  6. it for your throttle, it will set you speed closer to what you want when your trolling...the only way to go...when i first got it i only wondered why i didnt have it soonner...and kwow i have one on my new autopilot,,,read the link above
  7. took frisco outfishing....good day on the water,until noon it got windy,so we came off the lake....somewhat slow bit ,but we did catch fish....good day all and all
  8. i have a unit that i used five times,for sale,cotrol king for honda kicker,,,,my new auto pilot has it on the unit paid 225.00 let it go for 150.00
  9. sweet,,,looks like our bag the other day...hopefully get out soon,but thanks for the info...
  10. rr,your call..what is real is real,we still had a ball
  11. the day started somewhat slow,until these two guys made me do all the work even though my back was out,,nice guys real pals ...not really,had a great day on the water,with two great guys. lots of LL;s and the other fish was a bonus... thanks for a great last minute fishing trip
  12. great,,they have one at the vestal store,was there this morning...94+tax,,but really good deals on fishing tackle boxes if needed...you have ask,or really look good...good deal
  13. trying to get out,may be tomorrow,thanks for the info
  14. was looking for a little bit bigger trolling moter,i have a 28lb min on my small boat..i called a freind at dick;s and they have a 45lb min marked down to 93.00 so i had them put it aside for me,when i got there i grabed the box ,looked at it and inside it came with abattery charger also...so out the door 103 or 105 not sure ....great deals out there know if you have the cash...anyone looking binhamton store has one more...good luck out there
  15. if all go,s well,might get out on saterday....i guess the fish are on top this year... have to put boards in the boat,anyone been out..tell me a good story
  16. use a striaght swivel before your swivel,,double up..or get better swiveles,it,s spinning faster then your single one
  17. i,m chomping at the bit,but my work has not slowed,grabbing the extra cash at the moment... soon
  18. this autopilot i got steers like that,it will takelil bit to get used to it but the boat stayed straight..but,i seen you out there ,and yes i stay warm,,,see ya up there
  19. wife and i was up there also,was porgraming my new tr1-gold autopilot,and worked like a charm.we ended up8 out of 10,all LL and one laker... brought four nice LL home,released the rest...nice day on the water
  20. thanks for the imfo
  21. looken to go out of watkins in the morning,wondering if anyone has seen the launch latly..long drive from p,a if its frozen.but we will try it anyway...first run with wify
  22. first trip with the wife on senaca on friday,anyone seen the launch in watkins or been out there hitting anything,spoons or spins and flies...top or bottom
  23. have a good holiday
  24. trolling is as good,or better
  25. i cant wait ,hunting is over,but i seem to have alot of work.but really good to see you out there...be up there real soon..
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