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  1. 1985 trojan 10 meter international, fully rigged. The link was updated yesterday on boat trader, should be up later today or tomorrow. I lowered the price on the website, there must be a delay on boat trader's end.
  2. 1985 10M Trojan for sale.....turn key and ready for fishing.....$31,500. price recently reduced. boat located in water on lake ontario near wilson, ny Eric 315-427-4713 http://www.boattrader.com/listing/1985-Trojan-10-meter-International-Express-656079
  3. Boat recently reduced $31,500.
  4. 10M Trojan for sale.....turn key and ready for fishing.....$31,500. price recently reduced. boat located in water on lake ontario near wilson, ny Eric 315-427-4713 http://www.boattrader.com/listing/1985-Trojan-10-meter-International-Express-656079
  5. Need an observer for tournament this weekend. pm me if interested. will pay $100 . thanks. Eric
  6. We need an observer for Sat for the A-tom-mik Invitational. Will pay $100. Please Pm me or call me 315-427-4713. thanks. Eric
  7. i've fished them on royal flush the past few years and we fished them on mine this past year. 25k this fall and looks likt 25k first place at most or all of the tournaments next year. They had a film crew out at the summer tournament and will have that at the fall as well. it's a fun tournament and run better than the pro-am's....in my opinion. hope to see you there. Eric
  8. we fish the scotty's and have been fishing them since they began. great format and great times fishing them. let me know if you have any questions. We are fishing the fall and fished the summer and spring this year. hope to see you there. Eric
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