Just put all the gadgets back on the boat and headed out of Irondequoit or Genny in the morning (SAT). Thanks to your hilarious story I'll be up all night wondering if I have all my gear in order! I do have the rods, battery, drain plug, and a thirty pack in the fish well, so I should be good!
Story reminds me of a few spring derbies ago, when Sandy wasn't producing, so we decide to pull out and head down to the Oak. My buddie and I tie down everything, put it on the trailer, and jump in the truck. A few feet up the ramp and everyone on the docks start screamin! I forgot to lock the winch and didn't put the chain on! My 15ft. Lowe was standing straight up off the back of the trailer! It busted the transducer mount and the speedometer, but motor and transom survived!