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Everything posted by SinDale

  1. the bay has been difficult this year for some reason, Im not sure if its the weather, or if numbers are down for some reason, but def. check out whats been said so far. Look on your map for dramatic changes in depth. There are tons of weed beds right on the edge of deep water. The bay can get murkey, so bright jig heads (pref. gold with rattles) have proven their value in my tackle box. Good luck and let us know how you make out! Talk to the marinas, they may be friendly to you as well which could give you access to different parts of the bay.
  2. I'm headed to Angel Rock Cottages near Carlton Island in the morning until Saturday. We'll be trolling for pike and walleye, and prob. do some bass and perch jigging when the troll gets slow. If you see a 15 ft. white aluminum Lowe, say hi and have a beer with us! Anyone have a report for the area? Also this is the first year we're trying for eyes so any info about the best ways to go about it would be appreciated too!
  3. SinDale

    I Bay Report

    Nice northern! I'll be there tomorrow, but one of those unfortunate convenience issues... prob. the 10-5 pick... anyone go to the lake for smallies yet? I may if the lake looks manageable.Thanks for the report Bosco, hopefully I'll see you out there one of these nights!
  4. Anyone want to dupe your card for me (I'll pay half price so we'll share the original expense) or doesn't it work that way? Is the Navonics maps the one to go with for Ontario and bays/finger lakes?
  5. should've pulled him behind on a stringer!? What a beauty bow. Congrats and thanks for sharing! He had to take you for a ride! I gave Braddocks the 1 to 7pm slot on Sunday and only got a crappie to show for it. There was a bass pro at the launch who said he caught a bunch of 3-4lb. smallies bouncin jigs in 10-15' water off of the rocks. Before I pulled out for the day I took a ride out to the lake. Markers are in and only 2.5' clearance at the last marker. Don't stray niether... while in nuetral to put a pole down to confirm and to put a waypoint into my GPS, I noticed about 6 posts just west by a few feet outside of the marker. I figure we'll have a land bridge by August. Sad isn't it?
  6. I was coming in from trolling for browns, and had left a orange rapala flatlined about 50 ft. back. We just made it past the yaht club and BAM! I thought it was a steelie until the tail curled. I just talked to my buddy this weekend who was on the boat with me and he's saying 48". Still, it was up to my chest whith the tail touching my boot, and I'm 6' so yah, monster! Largest pike I've seen around here! I wanted it mounted at first glance, but I let her go.
  7. Good to see you Phil. I caught a 52" in Sandy a few years ago and it bled all over me! I think its a natural breeding process, or so I've been told...
  8. First off, thanks for the clarification. I along with many others I'm sure appreciate the homework you guys have shared. Correct me if I'm reading this wrong, but as i see it, as a NYS resident, the $16 yearly permit per person means you can boat in Canadian waters, just not dock or anchor (and follow-up with a phone call everytime). In June, we'll also need an enhanced ID ($30)or passport($100). Then, of course an additional Canadian fishing license ($68, or 39 a week). Minimum Total $85 per person to fish in Canadian waters for a few days out of the year. There's more gray rules and untold laws concerning this topic, and yet they can't wait to make an unpleasant and costly example out of us leisure sportsmen. Our governments are ridiculous. Shared waters should be exactly that. I understand it if you're pulling into harbor that they want to know, but wtf. I haven't experienced the Bar yet, but when i'm fishing up in the Islands (Wellesly Island area) and i need to pretend I know where the border is and re-adjust my drift in the middle of the river, or to tell my 4 year old why we can cast in 1 direction but not the other in the rift, it seems pretty ridiculous.
  9. thats not the 31" brown your father spoke about is it J? You guys look like you had too much fun! Keep the net onboard for next time!
  10. Whats your booking for June look like? Lapdances and Lakers! Sign me up!
  11. I've read that resin is the way, but I'm yet to try it out. The boat should finally be in my driveway next week, so I'm going to make sure every piece I have fits right before I seal it. The process I've read says mixing down resin with alcohol until its watery and applying liberally so it soaks in, then the alcohol evaberates and dries, sand, and put a 2 coats of resin, steel wool, then another coat. I'll let you know how it goes...
  12. What the.... 75+ in a night? I never knew.... I'd like to see pics of this. What's a good sized one? I've pulled channels out of I-Bay in the 20+" range but haven't honestly ever targeted bullhead or channel cats... Sounds like a good time! Anyone have an open seat or need one? Is this a night-time, lantern over the edge with worms or more complicated than that?
  13. watch out for the nearest channel marker if you're going out in the dark. The ice left it only a few feet out of the water in a mangled mess!
  14. very cool. I wish i knew how much it costs for the hardware and upkeep. Imagine if we had a dozen or so of these sprinkled across the Great O's ports. Thanks for sharing!
  15. Beauties! I can't wait!!!
  16. Very cool. Thanks! Morse Sash and Door had better prices than Pittsford on Mahogany and white oak. I'm going to pick it up Saturday I think.
  17. I'm looking around [the rochester area] for a teak plank I can replace the weathered and cracked transom top board that I took off of my boat. Its 67 3/4" x 7 1/2" x 1 1/2" (basically 6' and inches 2 x 8 with a square edge). I'm open to suggestions on other types of wood that will hold up such as cedar, etc. if anyone has had good luck in a similar situation.
  18. It wouldn't be a shakedown if it went smoothly! Thank god the boat and everyone arrived home safely! All that and a box FULL of fish... Nice!
  19. I caught a real nice 2lb. smalley, while realing in a goby that took a softshell crab I was bottom bouncing, out not far from Braddocks last year. I've also witnessed perch up in the islands loaded with gobie-gut! I know Storm has some nice softbaits that have a gobie pattern, and Rapala has them in their series of stickbaits as well.
  20. Bobs always got the answers! Thanks man!
  21. Anyone recommend a campground around the fort? Planning the May 1 weekend.
  22. My father and a few friends did well at Cranberry on Sunday from the west shore, fishing worms on the bottom.
  23. Thanks! Yes it does have a cabin, no Euchre table yet though. Its "for the kids to take a nap" (aka home when I get kicked out of the house for fishing too much!)
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