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  • Location
    Seneca Lake (North)
  • Interests
    Fishing, Golf, Computers, Music

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  1. "Laker Blind" Fish today - cause tomorrow may never come..
  2. Got a late start Sunday on Cayuga out of long point, on water by 9 am. Marked fish @ 30-40 over 200 fow off of Sheldrake. Ran two dipseys and 1 rigger. Popped this little guy on Mt. dew Crush combo on the dipsey 200 feet back. And lost my new wonderbeead dream weaver n fly off something BIG !! This was an extra special trip since my mom n uncle came for the ride and enjoy a day of retirement Fish today - cause tomorrow may never come..
  3. In the water late - 6am, got a small laker on Mt. dew dirty white boy on the dipsey 50 ft down - way back. Also boated a small rainbow off the rigger down 60 feet ( wierd). Great day in the water on my freinds boat - getting an education for rigging up my new boat Cheers !
  4. tried to send you a pm, did you get it? -pc
  5. Just got a 2 spool box of 40# Lead core line from my father who is cleaning out the garage. I have an old Penn Reel that I thought I might try fishing on Seneca Lake. Since I do not have any downriggers, I was wondering if this line would be heavy enough to troll some spoons near bottom. I usually try my hand jiggin for lake trout on this lake but am curious about using whats on the bench. =) Any info is appreciated. -pc
  6. Took a quick walk along the pier tonight, the South wind machine was on high speed!!! Waves were splashing up over the rails! Anyway, hoping that the wind pushes in some fish. =) -pc
  7. Hey Kids, Been trolling this site for a while, thought I'd say Hi. You can find me on some of the other local forums. I work in victor, so lunches are spent on a known Ontario Trib. I live near Seneca Lake so, jiggin 4 lakers, pike, perch, you name it. My favorite I think how ever is pinnin for steel, browns, ect. I have been tying my own flies and Jigs for almost 2 yrs now. Family life and work throttle this activity but that's ok, makes it that much more enjoyable when I get out. My son caught his first fish ever at 3 yrs old, so I am on cloud 9 for a while. -PC
  8. Hey thanks, sandy creek huh? My first steel on a center pin in that water. =) Do you know Kevin Gath? -pc
  9. Hey there, I fish as much as I can. Which these days is not a lot. I fly fish, float fish, drift fish, jig, spin, all kinds. I tie my own flies and jigs and am toying with the idea of building custom rods. I have a 14' alum boat with an 18hp Johnson - not used very much since I like stream, river fishing for trout. Thanks, -PC
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