Update on my light project: It came out great, but I realized that it'll raise the center of gravity of the boat (even though it's only a little bit), and therefore make the kayak less stable, so I decided against mounting it. I now have a light saber I screw with in my house haha
Plan "B": I'm going to get a baseball type cap with LED's in the brim.
Who needs depth for bass? Since I got my kayak a couple of weeks ago, I've learned that some of the biggest bass are in 1 to 2 feet of water where regular boats can't go.
I wish I bought a kayak years ago!
Thanks to all for the advice. Since I posted, I haven't had a chance to go out except for Tuesday night, but the thunder and mostly the lightning kept me off of the water. I store and launch my Kayak from Bay Creek Kayak on Empire.
I'll definitely try around the docks at a few places, but I can't help but to want to try in the middle where the depth drops off a little.
As for rigging my kayak up for fishing, I'm in the middle of making a removable LED light stick out of PVC for the bow for if I get caught out there after dark. I also have to get some more elastic rope and holddowns since I only have one on there now. (I'll post pics once done if anyone wants them)
I agree about the "keep it simple" theory. When fishing from shore, I have a large tacklebox that I use, but when in the kayak, I plan on taking just the bare minimums with me as to not waste any space or risk losing things that aren't lashed down.
Phil: Thanks for the tip about starting off where you're paddling into the wind.....as a newbie, I hadn't thought of that.
Oh....Where's all the topless sunbathers? just kidding
I'm wondering if anyone can pass on any advice for me since things have changed for me, and I'm now clueless. haha
Two years I was a brand new boater with an 18' ChrisCraft, and after only taking it out a few times, my wife and I separated and I had to get rid of it. Fast forward past the year and a half of not being on the water at all, and I just bought a small kayak that I launch from the southern tip of the bay.
Now......since I was always a shore fisherman, standing amongst the commoners (haha), I'm clueless about fishing on the water.
What areas of the bay are good to fish in? I'm out for pretty much anything, but especially perch and bass. Since I have a chart showing depths, I know that the southernmost mile of the bay is only about 2 foot deep, but I'm not sure what depths are good to fish in.
I'm usually all for trial and error, but I'm not only new to open water fishing, but kayaking as well, and a 4-mile long bay turns into 8 to 10 miles when you include moving around while fishing and the return trip, and I'm not quite up for that yet without guidance first.
Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks Hank. I've had it in forward the whole time, I learned that when I researched it before I even took it off. I'm not sure what you mean by "outdrive indexed", but I have made sure that the outdrive is in forward, and that the prop is engaged fully.
When I push it up as far as it goes and gently rock it to see where it's hung up, it feels like it's the driveshaft since it seems to pivot around the center, but I could be wrong. I have confirmed that the splines are engaging by greasing them up, and then after trying it, you can see where the grease was displaced.
ok folks. I have to concede to defeat.
I'm VERY interested in hiring someone if they can come to my place (Irondequoit) and help me get this thing in. It's probably a 10 minute job, and I'll even do all the work, all you'd have to do is tell me what I'm doing wrong, call me a dumbass after it drops right in, collect your cash and leave, laughing at my incompitance the whole way home. haha
Seriously though.....if you can help, please drop me an email and we'll set something up as soon as possible.
I removed the lower gear case to replace the waterpump in my 140 HP I/O Mercruiser, and can't get it back on. Everything is right, it's in forward, the splines are all engaging, but it seems to stop about 5/8" short from being flush, and I'm stumped.
Does anyone have any ideas or tips? I'm trying to sell the boat and need it running, and I'm to the point where I'd even be willing to pay for someone to give me a hand (if they can get it to go).
The only thing I haven't tried yet (since the battery is dead) is to trim the top half back down. it is currently trimmed up as if I was trailering it, and thats how I'm working on it. maybe it needs to be down for it to go for some reason?