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crazy ivan

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Everything posted by crazy ivan

  1. I'm going to give it a go Thursday weather permitting. I'll report if I get out.
  2. Pm phone number for any serious inquiries. Thank You👊
  3. Not Carbon series
  4. SOLD Lowrance HDS Gen 3. Sold with everything, 3 in 1 sidescan/downscan transducer. GPS, networking wires and other necessary wires. Great lakes chip included. $400
  5. A few boats but manageable for everyone, got a little exciting with multiple boats with fish on in the river mouth!
  6. Ea Thanks. Early it was a diver 25 out with a black nk mag green tape white cup. Glow J with a 1 ounce weight 100 back got hot after and a black/purple ladder j 4 feet down on the rigger. Good luck!
  7. Glad I ventured out one more time. Had to quit with a 2 man limit. With the cold water pushed in, fish were congregated around the river mouth and within the top 5 feet. They were easily enticed into biting today by a slow troll. Good luck to anyone heading out.
  8. There were only 2 or 3 other boats, in and out of the river. Thats why I like October afternoons. Didn't see any other hookups.
  9. First salmon trip this year. Not sure the stage of the run? Fished afternoon till dark. Landed 2 small kings and a nice coho. I've never seen so many fish porpoising and jumping. The lake was flat you could see them a mile away. Hope to squeeze in 1 more time out
  10. Your welcome Joe
  11. No problem. Thank you too
  12. Sale pending on the last 4. Sold 4 already. Thank you
  13. Sale pending to Joe
  14. Sent a pm Earl. Thanks
  15. 4 Bert's Ratcheting Rod Holders, $200 for all 4. Rochester area.
  16. Still available!! Must see
  17. Available and ready to roll. Pm me your number, I will do the same. Thank you
  18. No prob. This trailer is ready for frequent hauling for years. If you change your mind let me know. Perhaps make an offer
  19. Trailer was updated with heavy duty axles, springs, brakes and tires. Rated for 10,000lbs. I haven't put more than 200 miles on them, the stickers are still on the wheels. It has a heavy duty winch with steel cable. Surge brakes. Self lubricating bearings. $3,200. I have the title and registration.
  20. I appreciate the insight from both, though I posted the question in April. I wound up going to the south end of Honeoye once. That day fish and people were crammed in the little channel. I didn't find it a particularly enjoyable place and type of fishing. I will not post questions regarding crappie going forward for the sake of thier sustainability. Just teasing, have a good summer!
  21. crazy ivan

    Ibay perch

    I'm hearing there's perch around but the spawn is tapering off
  22. I know a good crappie bite is a hush hush thing but...I'de appreciate it if anyone can tell me if the finger lakes fishing conditions are shaped up for any kind of crappie program?
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