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Everything posted by coup

  1. Skipper, I can see the ball on and off all the time in auto. So it must be working them so I'm in no man's land with no fish. Gotcha, thanks. Coup
  2. Looks like this has been kicked around already. Stinger, did the transducer come with it from southshore marine for $705? Also which one do you have? Transom or thruhull? Thanks Coup
  3. What do you guys think of the Furuno FCV 620? Does anyone have one or know of someone that does? I've heard a lot of good stuff about this brand.
  4. I'm new to the sport so the latest and greatest seems to be hard to navigate through so here I am asking you guys what works for you. I have a fish hawk 840 already so the temp and speed is covered. I'd like to keep it under $800 for sure. Not sure on the type of transducer either I will need also as there are many different ones. It will be going on a Penn Yann 245 Contender. I'm all ears. The $150 walmart special I have just isn't cutting it. Thanks to all in advance for the advice. Coup
  5. Guys, I have a Lowrance X85 that seems not so swift. I just can't believe that I can troll for hours upon hours and never even mark a school of bait much less a fish. Do you guys have days you mark zip? This thing came with the boat. The surface temp is even four degrees off of what my fish hawk 840 says. Any suggestions?
  6. Water is clear and cold. Went down to the power plant and back and finally hooked up in front of Hugh's in 16 FOW. Nice 10lb brown. Anyone else fishing this area?
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