Wanted to go west out of the river, but the lake and the wind had other plans... dropped great in 80fow and headed north east. Dead screen till 100fow then bottom marks one after another. Couldn't buy a bite! I think I tossed every spoon I had and tried between 1.8-3.0speed. Got to 150fow and still Nothing... decided 4 hours of looking at a blank screen was enough so we motored into shipbuilders at about 40fow, finally get a bite hand the pole to my buddy's kid and it was the biggest Rock Bass ever seen in my life hahahaha The smile on that little ****ers face made the day worth it tho... called it a day after that
110 spoons, walleye salmon and trout spoons
plano spoon box with a 160 spoon capacity
NK, Michigan Stinger, Rebel, Speedy Shiner, many other brands
make me an offer
make me an offer, will ship at your expense
Had a 2 hours to kill so went fishing, found bait in 100fow got a king to take a purple clown dreamweaver spoon 48ft down
her biggest fish ever!! 15 1/2lbs
i wouldnt recommend the state launch around 6pm on a Sunday
Got to river about 630 went north east, set up in 40fow lots of marks no fish, hit 120fow and it was on, one after another...
3 on my secret spin doctor with UV stud fly parked around 50feet down
5 on UV dolphin spoon 49feet down
3 on a NK mag UV spoon
2 on a green spot with UV green fly
120-170fow off the lake by 10.