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Everything posted by dpiazza22

  1. I'll include the bag if you buy all will ship located in Rochester make offer
  2. will ship located in Rochester
  3. will ship, located in Rochester
  4. 10 spoons, $30 will ship on your dime located in Rochester
  5. will ship
  6. I have a couple
  7. Humminbird Helix 7 Down imaging generation 1 Works 100% comes with power cord, transducer, gimbal mount will ship, it will fit In a post office flat rate box for 15 bucks
  8. all 10 for $30 will ship on your dime located in Rochester
  9. selling lots, will ship on your dime located in Rochester
  10. size or brand doesn't matter, anyone one have some laying around that you want to sell?? I'm located in Rochester
  11. https://www.westmarine.com/buy/magma--bait-filet-mate-table-with-levelock-mount--15132293?cm_mmc=PS-_-Google-_-GSC>NonB>Vendors-_-15132293&product_id=15132293&creative=504966948203&device=m&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1PSDBhDbARIsAPeTqrdboLIKf5JpSY64ye4dIQLoUcBa7kAmDmWu97Giybyqd0KIKOpkfscaAvBtEALw_wcB
  12. Brand new Magma cutting table, bought the wrong one, never mounted or used $175 located in Rochester will ship on your dime
  13. those are discontinued and hard to find, and when you do there worth thier weight in gold, if you arnt dead set in rollers the regular dipsy diver rods are nice
  14. i will send close up pictures when I get home
  15. these are still available
  16. works 100% had it serviced last fall located in Rochester $1500
  17. anyone have two or 4 they want to get rid of
  18. $75 each have multiple located in Rochester will ship
  19. Rochester
  20. brand new, never used $100 will ship on your dime
  21. make me an offer will ship on your dime located in Rochester
  22. what you see is what you get will ship on your dime $80 each
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