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    Sandy Creek,Hamlin N.Y.
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  1. I have a bunch of subtroll parts including 2 head units , pretty sure least 1 works ,probe ,came w my boat never used bought a fishawk, $50 all ,if it doesn't work I'll refund no shipping I'm located in Hilton 585 259 7484 Ron
  2. manatee

    Sold / Closed 22' Sea Nymph GLS

    Sorry for my response..I thought this guy was asking about my planer board reels I have for sale
  3. manatee

    Sold / Closed 22' Sea Nymph GLS

    Sorry for the delay I've been out of town,Yes still for sale
  4. We were right next to you guys early in my (new to me" Trophy,watched you reel a nice one in as my son Dan and I went out deep ....we should have stayed in close ! One nice steelhead for us ,dittos on the nice Brown
  5. Thanks for the interest,lmk if things change ,we could work with the price a bit too
  6. Yes I still have them sorry I didn't get your message s I'm in Hilton ,585-259-7484
  7. (2) wille single planer board masts w/ reels ,side mount or rail mount ,6' stainless mast ,mono line on reels $ 350
  8. couple pics of this guy in my clover this week
  9. love reading this thread , finally got your reward ! congrats
  10. manatee

    Sold / Closed 22' Sea Nymph GLS

    question..did all the bellows get replaced when you put in new shift cable ? or when were they replaced last thx
  11. where are you located ?
  12. great job on the thread rob...this is so nice to follow while looking @ my computer all day , sitting up in the tree last night gave me the opportunity to think about the lay out for the food plots for next year ....come on ice !
  13. whoever it belongs to ... congrats , what a monster !
  14. well if the deer wont eat them ....... https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+cook+turnips&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS819US819&oq=HOW+TO+COOK+TURNI&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.17916j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  15. sat out overlooking my back field behind the farm last night , super quiet no deer showed just squirrels and doves ...but got to thinking ,i have this beautiful turnip field in front of me,turnips the size of softballs.... when do the deer start digging them up ?
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