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Schools Out

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Everything posted by Schools Out

  1. Depth raider probe, antenna and display $250 Spare display and antenna (could mount on second boat and share unit) $50 Display extension ( for longer boats) $10 Call 315 778 8245 Or email [email protected] P U from port Ontario to watertown or buyer pays shipping
  2. http://www.whitewaterchallengers.com/ go white water rafting on the black in watertown (15min) tell them you want Tony G as your guide.
  3. second the OS with the OR18.... best system for inlines.
  4. The following week 16-24 I'm on vacation and will be fishing, so if thats a fine one for me. Count me in for a boat also, if anyone wants to fish the following week let me know [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  5. I own a 243 wssm..... and although it is slightly hotter than the win 243 I have never had a problem with it.... I only use it when I hunt fields (not that its not just fine elsewhere, I just like to switch it up though out the season). I shoot 100gr powerpoint from winchester and out of the 20 or so deer I have killed with it I have never had one go more than 10 yds.... the fact that there was no blood or exit I think was that particular shot... I have shot deer out well over 300 yds with it and have had them drop right in their tracks... I usually shoot right behind the sholder in the ribs....
  6. sorry for your loss hank.
  7. they should be set so that that when the nose points to the bow the fin on the winger angles away from the boat....
  8. been fishing the henderson/chuamont area for the last few weeks and pounding them... as soon as the temps get into the 50's (already done) you can start targeting them with stick baits off boards.
  9. FM31 PM sent
  10. yea, from what I here it was used for the occasional perch fishing and never saw a wave over 3ft. Good Luck with her. It looked to be a REAL clean boat and a very good deal.
  11. I called about that boat they day you bought it!!
  12. In the fall the bay of Quinte is really #1 for eyes. But fish can be taken in american waters around cape vincent with some success.
  13. When the salmon run on the east end I fish exclusively for pike till about early december... Trolling, Big Baits off of boards and riggers. The fishing is nothing short of awesome. you need to wait until either wind/temps get some high 50F water into the shallow (less than 20 feet) if that situation can remain stable for a week or so then its game on. Good Luck and send me a pm if you make it out this way to try it.
  14. I troll exclusively for pike when salmon fishing is over. I run large stick baits (cisco kids, mag smithwicks and mag thundersticks off the boards) load the riggers with salmon spoons, keep my leads short on the planner boards and fluctuate my speed alot with S curves. In my opinion fall is the best pike fishing of the year (Last year i trolled up until early december out of the henderson).
  15. pm sent
  16. Great Job Mike and Todd!!
  17. I will second Strike Zone, I have worked for them at times over the years and would highly reccomend them. http://www.strikezonefishing.com/
  18. i think that with a spoon you can get to about 130 ' on a 2 setting and about 115' with a paddle
  19. I found that when mounting them on inflatables a 3" stainless deck screw works best.
  20. henchens marina in henderson has a few used ones for sale as cheap as $100
  21. If your still looking for that first fish, try the humps in 80-100 fow off of port ontario. load up with stinger spoons and set your riggers from 57 F to 20 feet up. good luck. This should get you some browns
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