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Everything posted by britty

  1. 1988 Trojan 10.8 sedan model great boat grady8960@gmail.com
  2. Still catching them 3 mph down speed
  3. Still catching them 3 mph down speed
  4. Wonder bread spoon 70 feet of water down 45 foot kicking kings butts
  5. My buddy's son who eleven today hand lined in a 19 pound king salmon today that got about 200 feet of mono wrapped around our dipsey rod yup nice feisty king with a purple spoon and a black dot on it thanks guys his biggest fish ever
  6. Thank you
  7. What do you mean by a slider
  8. Thank you for all the help hope to try on thursday
  9. Do I put any weight on and if so how much and how far from spoons or stick baits . And I wanted to thank all fellow fisherman for the help thank you again
  10. 2 rods out on inline planer boards 100 back two on down riggers 40 back I think I need to tie a 10 pound fluorocarbon leader on? Currently we have 40 test on for fleas last summer I think that's my problem
  11. Can someone give me a little help on catching then . I don't know if my spoons aren't back far enough or if I'm using the right spoons or if my line is to heavy . Any help would be great thank you
  12. Went east in 20 foot nothing for us until about 8 then 2 ten kings over 10 and 2 lakers over ten ended up fishing in about 30 foot of water. Looking around at all the other boats and looked like they were catching a lot more than us . But still a great day for us
  13. Can someone post a picture of a goby bay rat ? Been hearing about it but don't know what it is thanks fellow fisherman
  14. 6 lakers took my buddies boat he's a newbie. North end from 70 to 100 feet didn't mark any fish in shallower water. Hope this helps someone out
  15. I was talking about lake run fish sorry I didn't mention that.Also when we fished the mistrial river in February it had ice on it, all broken up and the guide drove right through it I couldn't believe it. that's when I gained a lot of respect for Lund boats
  16. About 5 years ago I got a charter with a buddy of mine on the niagria river in February .Was thinking about taking me 13 foot whaler up the genesee river and float down it bottom bouncing either some flies or egg sacks for steelhead does anybody have any ideas about this. Thanks guys
  17. That would be nice I'll goin if meeting are within a hour of drive time
  18. It's great to hear a good report
  19. Run the flashers on the bottom in 90 to 100 feet 2.3 miles per hour
  20. Had a great day with my buddy mark and two excellent young teenage fisherman today.the landed 24 laketrout and 1 landlocked salmon all in 85 to 105 feet of water. All on paddles and flies
  21. Where do I buy cut bait near rochester thanks guys
  22. Put up a address and I'll send a donation
  23. Auto word check suppose to be ibay
  24. Lost a good one today on the dipsy out 225 green paddle and fly could barely get it out of the rod holder to give to the young guy the fought it for about five minutes then lost it but we still had a great day 1 brown 1 king 1 coho 2 lake trout in 125 to 200
  25. Nice report glad to hear off some kings around
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