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May 23, 2008
Last visited
31 minutes ago
Everything posted by Striperhound
what jig are you using ? awesome report
anywhere south of the island in 80 plus feet of water jigging is great big fish a lot off 10 plus pound lakers
I recently replace an optima blue top with this have been very impressed with it so far. I added a pro mariner hd on board charger to keep it charged and this battery so far holds its charge 100 % better than the optima. I have a 12v system before would get 4-5 hrs on a charge fished the other day for 7 hrs with mine Kota on 2-3 mph and was only down 1 bar on charge indicator. I ordered mine in amazon delivered to door which helps since it weighs 75 lbs
state boat launch. I parked my enclosed trailer and unloaded atv drive down the boat launch onto ice. I would suggest hitting hardware store for map very helpful on accessing ice
doing a cruise from Seward down to Vancouver end of July hitting Juneau, Skagway,Ketchikan anyone have first hand recommendations for a guide for some stream fishing for salmon in these areas? Thanks in advance
I have a gp 31 optima battery that I'm mounting under my center console, what does everyone use to secure these weird shaped battery need it to be very stable and not move around.
Thanks in advance
rochester and sandy are close move to other ports marina won't open if they don't have people using it to sustain it
jig them up all you want and no trolling
Troy Creasy High Adventure is in Pine Island Area and a lake ontario captain
gen 1 unit any interest ?
located in ballston spa ny near albany can ship if needed
Used in good working condition with power cord and base and lowrance hard plastic screen cover. I have original box and all manuals. Does not come with transducer. Replacement 83/200 transducer is roughly $50 I had to replace it a few years ago. Lake insight mapping covers continental us inland waters. I used it to jig lake trout and it worked great with real good definition and picture.
jig them been putting up big numbers on jigs good healthy keeper sized fish
can the power cord and transducer from an older hds elite 5 be used with the new gen 3 chirp units?
sagandaga sucks unless you want to catch a bucket of 15 inch tiny walleye.
i called lowrance and they suggested also running it in deep water mode in settings when fishing in over 60 ft of water. I do this now and can see my 1 ounce jig fall to bottom and pick up lakers on the bottom. I also turn my sensitivity up to 95-97% and turn fish id off which ramps up the sensitivity as well.
i have the same boat love it is the t-top the folding one? been considering a t-top for mine
shot you a pm on the centerpin
I have been looking at the 28-32 foot carvers with flybridge, aft cabin as a sleep on weekend get away boat. Plenty on craigslist from buffalo to albany. Anyone have reviews or owned these good bad or ugly just wondering feedback on them
good stuff guys, just looks like we are on top of a cycle for lake trout, they are strong predators, wide diet and grow big. I like seeing those 30 lb fish landed, would like to see some released but to each his own. Anyone been jigging them this year vs trolling?