Set up in 90fow good screen, WNW troll picked a 3 year old 85 down over 125fow seaweed fly spin...155fow good screen picked 2 matures rigger down 60 Kramer and wire bit out 190 spin/seaweed again..worked hard from 730 to 915 got bit again in 85fow down 70 lemon lime good 3 year old looking for a Laker for my bro in law on way in..
Tough bite today, 7AM start in 135fow good screen, fish and bait..Circled around a bit, no takers, headed north to 250fow picked a Jr- 10lb King..lake calmed right down to flat at 1030ish..picked up blasted north to 400 trolled north blank screen but picked a teen and another Jr both down gut 95 down.. 11" wht flasher seaweed fly..never had a diver move...missed a high spoon, prob a steelie..
Kings this time of year dont live in temp, unlike June and early July...FISH YOUR SCREEN! To many guys worry about temp! Marked fish eat! If not, change speed and color!
Drove from ROC to Fort Niagara slips this AM..Wet at 630, dropped over 65fow started taking fish right away..worked 65 to 160fow..9 Kings 3 steelies by 915ish, then zero till 11 we picked up.. Great bite. Greens and blue spoon picks.
6FOW was the trick this PM..wet lines at 230 blown off at 5PM..6 for 7 all Browns longline and fire tiger took fish. One bit a Orange Crush/gold back NK. Staggered 120' 100' 90' 80' behind boat..
Dropped in at Lures Marina round 10am..tested gear out to 35ft, no marks turned in reset gear for Browns, game on..long lines varried, wieghted varried..7 for 9 in hour.. Hot pink stick won the day. A little disappointed to see $10 launch fee at Lures.. Was thinking $5...went there to not be in way while setting rig for first trip of son and i only one in site..
Check did not clear...back on market!
$2500 cash/ bank check
2 electric Cannon riggers, 4 rod / reel setups, fish finder, Lake O net, trolling sock and planer board, spoons and sticks..
Boat was in summer slip Sandy Creek Hamlin NY last three summers.
228hp I/O Merc.... Dual axle trailer 1985, new tires
SeaRay is a 1982
Great boat ready to go, just needs some elbow grease sand TLC.
Brand new Rochester Carb last April.
Text Pete 585-880-9464
Have no idea why pics are upside down...
23' SeaRay boat..
2 Canon Electric Downrigger's, Salmon net, fishfinder, planer board, drift sock 4 rod and reel combos, 2 with wire, 2 cannonballs, all the releases, tacklebox lots of spoons and sticks. Boat fished out of Sandycreek, Hamlin, New York the last three seasons. $2500. cash or bank check only. Text me for pictures 585-880-9464. I have a charterboat my 2 college sons no longer use this boat. It is priced to sell fast....firm $2500.
Comes with dual axle trailer
23' SeaRay Cuddy with 2 cannon electric riggers rods/reels, net, spoons and sticks, drift sock, fish finder, planer board. Boat docked in Sandy Creek, Hamlin. $2500. Firm cash/ bank check.. Must go
23' Searay cuddy, 1982
Two Electric downriggers salmon net 4 rod and reel combos fish finder drift sock planer boards tackle box with spoons and stick baits boat has been docked in Sandy Creek Hamlin New York the last three seasons boat is very solid just needs some elbow grease...$2500 very check
Good morning, three kings in an hour 22-26fow. Started 6:45am in by 8:15...White/orange Jplug 45ft lead ball down 8ft fired three minute in...lead core out three colors/gator fires at 7:05....plug picked up its second fish at 7:35...sun was up high by 8 headed in. Creek was full of fish. Nice way to run the last bit of fuel out and end the year.. See ya in spring boys!!!
We had 37deg down 65 in 200fow...Tuesday. I hear it has set up a bit this week, 250 to 300fow north out of Sandy to Devil Nose. Running greens seem to be hot