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Everything posted by laketrout6

  1. Is the water clear right up to the shoreline or colored out a ways? Hopeing for clear water before long so we can cast Cleos into 2-3 fow for browns. Thanks for your insight..
  2. Frogger----funny--but true. I heard that last year someone in Elmira was selling them for a buck apiece. How times ( and prices) change. They ARE a tough critter. In a mornings fishing Keuka for perch and bass we usually only use three or four apiece. Bass will chew them up much faster than perch.
  3. Keuka is hot right now. 1/8 oz jigs and dobson are the ticket.
  4. Just wondering under what conditions you run 45-60 oz rig weights? For Keuka I use 20 oz and Seneca up to 30 oz depending on currents, I also use copper pipes for molds, works great.
  5. Had a good morning on the lake catching perch. Three of us kept 22 perch from 8-11 inches, three jumbo sunnies and a 13 inch smallmouth. Fished the southeast side in 25 fow .Could have used a breeze for a nice drift, had to use the electric most of the morning to create one.
  6. How's the perch fishing been on the lake lately. Going to try it next week. Need to try some new water. Been pretty fair perch fishing on Keuka this summer.
  7. Great video, thanks for sharing. Do you ever hook into a brown or salmon? I do a lot of jigging on Keuka and always wondered if it would work on LO, now you've answered my question--thanks.
  8. Has anybody been fishing for lakers in Keuka this winter/spring with any luck? Yesterday was the third trip for me since Xmas and was the first time I found a school of any size. Fished it for an hour , no takers. We were the only boat out of H'sport until 11am.
  9. I've been fishing Keuka for lakers since 1958 using 5 spoon Seth Green rigs, cowbells and sawbellies, still fishing with live sawbellies and in recent years jigging with spoons. I have never found a perch in a lakers stomach but don't doubt it happens occasionally , I doubt this a major source of food for them. Used to find sculpin and smelt in them but not many of them, if any, left in the lake now. Most of my laker fishing in recent years is from late December through May and have taken ( but not kept) as many as 50 in a morning, those that we did keep are always full of sawbellies. In winter we mark many huge schools of 'bellies so I believe the bait is in good shape. BTW, jigged for an hour this am then pulled a 5 spoon rig for 90 minutes and no hits. Fished in front of the Bluff in 100-150 fow. Marked very few, scattered fish but they weren't hungry. Will be back after them Xmas week. They'll be hungry after coming off the spawn.
  10. Sparky, Now that's FUNNY !!!!!!!
  11. Put in there yesterday, it's in good shape. Searched for three hours using the fishfinder trying to find a school of lakers for jigging, no luck. All we marked was about 15-20 , scattered all over between the launch and Tanglewood. Must be schooled up north.
  12. Hopefully we'll get a break in the temps/wind next week. Chomping at the bit to get on Keuka for the winter jigging season. Might be a week early but you gotta go when the weathers good this time of year.
  13. Don't give up on jigging for Keuka lakers--yet. After you get your motor problem resolved start jigging around Xmas week through April. By far the best time to load up on tightly schooled lakers. Should not have to go further north than 2mile point for winter fishing. Of course, you have to pick your days--weather wise. Hang in there.
  14. I spent 2-1/2 hours searching for a concentration of lakers on thurs 7/10. Searched from H'sport to a mile northeast of the Bluff and didn't mark more than 50 on the fishfinder. Talked to a gentleman at the ramp at noon as we were both taking out and he said they'd been jigging since sunup and had one hit and took one keeper. He said they found lots of fish in the 60-70 foot range along with lots of bait. Wondering if the sawbellies are still in shallow spawning and the lakers are lurking close by ( spawning should have been over last month). I never went in closer than 100 fow . Of course I should have known better than to even attempted fishing lakers this week with the full moon. After fishing Keuka for 54 years you'd think I'd learn LOL!
  15. Full moon, not good for Keuka laker fishing.
  16. I forgot to mention that anyone wanting to learn about Finger Lakes fishing back in the "old days" would enjoy "Fishing New York State Lakes for Fabulous Trout, Rainbows and Salmon" by Earl Holden. It's a bit over 200 pages of pictures and diagrams of the many ways of fishing the lakes. Might be hard to find but the books a real gem.
  17. They were either pulling copper or a Seth Green rig. When I started fishing Keuka back in 1960 you either fished bait under lights at night, pulled copper or a rig by hand. Planner boards and downriggers hadn't been invented yet. Nobody used a "meat stick" with the rigs like they do today and most would use the outboard to get to their desired area then row while pulling the rigs. Row once--pull twice was the cadence back then. Now, I almost always jig for lakers as it's a lot more fun than rig fishing but a few days a year I still do it and sometimes still pull by hand. It's still a thrill to have a3-5 lb laker take a spoon with the line in your hand.
  18. Near full moon was the killer this weekend. We jigged the southend fri. One for two--pretty bad. The huge school that we'd been hammering for almost three week ( boated 90 in 4 trips) had broken up into small pods and they weren't hiting.
  19. Lakers spawn in the late fall , is Hemlock any different?
  20. After boating 45 lakers jigging the south end of Keuka just 9 days ago we thought we give it another shot this am. Got to Hammondsport and found the two miles of open water we had last week had frozen over this week. Only about 2 acres open at the launch ramp area, not enough to bother putting the boat in so came home. There was some open water on the east side but no way to get through the ice to fish it.
  21. Did you ever consider jigging for lakers instead of trolling? All you need is an electric motor, a good quality fishfinder ( and know how to use it) a light spinning/levelwind outfit with 8 # test and a hand full of inexpensive jigging spoons. Lakers are a lot more fun on light tackle and quite often more effective than trolling. An example. Today two of us boated 45 lakers in three hours (all but our limit were returned unharmed) at the south end of Keuka. Our boat record was January three years ago of 51 by noon for three of us. Lots of guys on this forum can give you good advice if you want to try it.
  22. I cross into Ontario every spring for my ice out walleye trip . Crossing the border is no big deal as long as you have a valid passport or an enhanced drivers license. If anyone in the party has ever had ANY alcohol related conviction then it becomes a BIG problem. Last time I was up that way was back in ''73 on our way to Sennetere(sp). Nice area but the fishing was terrible.
  23. I use a 55 lb thrust MinnKota bowmount on my 16' split windshield Tracker and it works fine. I also use it for jigging lakers, mostly in Keuka in the winter with one battery.Fully charged it lasts me three or four hours and juice to spare even in pretty . I'd highly recommend this for your set up. As stated above, you can add a lot of accessories6 but that drives the price up considerably. I've had mine for 7 seasons and have replaced the foot pedal once, no other problems.
  24. Only the second time trolling Seneca this year. Put in at Severn at 8am and headed south about two miles, slight chop out of the south that quickly dissipated. Got a skipper LL right off the bat at 35 over 180 and a few minutes later a 18 incher on the same rod, both on orange/gold Shad Raps. Trolled across the lake and back and half way back to the launch without a hit. Almost no fleas and very little weeds. Problem was the water was VERY cloudy, visibility was only about 5 ' on top, guessing it was runoff from this weeks storms? Nice morning on the water and one for supper tonight.
  25. SK8man, I was one that just HAD to find out if fishing a three spoon rig off a jug would work for kings in Lk Ontario many years ago. The jug wasn't out 15 minutes when a 22 lb hit my Sutton 38. All of a sudden the jug ( 1 gal. Clorox jug) had simply disappeared then the drag started to screem. After a 20 minute battle we boated the king and proceeded to clip off the hardware on the rig and throw away the line--what a mess. Learned my lesson that day, lol.
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