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Selling my boat. She is a Sylvan Adventurer Lx DC, with a 90 horse Evinrude. The boat, motor and trailer are all 1999 and all are in great shape. Everything works as it should and the boat is about 17ft long. The package comes with all the life vests, ropes, anchor, ect. Some of the more notable features include dual live wells, foot controlled Minkota Maxxum 44lbs, older garmin gps, older Raymarine fish finder, new ship to shore radio and antenna and a custom boat cover. It also has two new batteries as of this year. I will try to add some pictures here later or you can email me and I will try to send some directly. Before my purchase the boat was maintained by Silver Lake marina. It has a good solid floor, starts up on the first turn of the key, and takes on not a drop of water. Also, the trailer has almost new tires all the way around, to include the spare. Since I've owner she has been winterized and summerized regularly and stored in doors. If you have any question, please ask, and I'll be back later with the pics. Thanks for your interest in advance.
Hey Ray, I'm no expert, but I have caught pike in the north end and along the east edge of the lake from mcpherson point north. Stick to the weed edges, casting various baits. I have caught pike on Conesus with everything from spinner baits to live minnows. I don't think there is a bait shop on the lake, one of the problems I've had in the past, but there is a small shop near by, although I don't know when they open or if their even still in business. I hear the south end can produce as well, same tactics, troll, cast or drift, mainly along weed edges with stick baits, spinners or large minnow and float. Hope it helps, I'm sure this is nothing spectacular in terms of advice, but hopefully it gives you a couple ideas. I'll be there Saturday morning and would like to hear how you make out, so please post a report if you've got time, and above all good luck!
Well, the trip out to Honeoye was fun, but we didn't boat any walleyes. It was a bit disappointing, but we had a blast catching bass after bass and even a couple pickeral. The morning brough five large mouth within the first ten minutes of being on the water. Then nothing, until close to 11 a.m. when we moved back in on top of the weeds and started throwing spinner baits. From 11 to 12:30 brought another 12 large mouth and 2 Pickeral. Of course everything was catch and release, so no fish dinner Sunday but we sure had a great time and the scenery was awsome. We tried a few different Smithwicks, a Dave's rosie red, rapalas, some deep diving crank baits and jigs in various colors. We tried black, brown, gold, green, yellow, white and probably 10 other different patterns in really dull to really bright colors, on the stick baits. Nothing took a shot at them, other than the first run of bass in the morning. Was on the water at 5 a.m., so we worked the water from almost no light to sun burn levels, and from very shallow to as deep as we could get. I guess it just wasn't in the cards to pick up some decent Eye's. I'll probably try Sodus next weekend since if we don't get into the walleye, we stand a good chance at some Pike.
Well, I'm pretty much set on shooting over to Honeoye this weekend. I'm going to grab some new lures, worms and maybe some minnows if possible, to try and catch some walleye. Any tips on a program for the lake, in addition to Freeman's? It would be greatly appreciated! Since I have never launched there, and there are two for public use, which would be best to head out of? There is the one at the north end, at what they call Sandy beach, which is for small trailored boats and then the state launch at the south end. Any ideas on whether or not the north launch would accomodate my 17ft boat or if the 6 car lot fills up quickly? I'm thinking water levels should be a bit high with all the rain yesterday, but I don't want to run into a problem at 4 am, trying to get into the water. Thanks again for any feedback guys!
I could get to black creek or sodus pretty easily. One question I have about Black Creek though, is where would I lauch my 17ft boat? I've tried to lauch at the park launch at Jefferson rd and Scottsville rd, but the lauch is not long enough. Are there other places to put the boat in? I'll look at getting some of those Smithwick Rogues and Kaboom shiners, I'll be over at Gander Mntn today, so maybe I can grab a few, to try this weekend. If I took a trip to Honeyoe, do they have a motor limit size there? I keep thinking that only motors under 10 horse are allowed, is that the case? Being in that area, I've also heard there are decent numbers of Walleye on Conesus, any feed back on this water? Thanks for all the information so far guys, I'm optimistic for the season, and this stuff helps a lot.
Usually Irondequoit bay, the genny and braddox bay, when the water level isn't rediculously low. I sometimes make it to the fingerlakes too. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
I have fished mainly for pike and bass in the past, and I have only seen a few walleye caught before. I've heard they are mighty fine eating fish. I would like to boat atleast a couple eatin size this year. Up until now, I've run a wally divers, jigged for them and a couple years back used worm harnesses, problem for me is I have yet to catch one. Any help from the vast amount of knowledge that is the LOU's members, would be greatly appreciated!
The colors were all black and silver, the lures that worked the best were the rapala tail dancers, j-11's, and husky jerks. The fish were hitting in the 7-18 ft range, closer to shore in the morning, deeper in the afternoon. The big pike was caught on the husky jerk in about 14 - 16 ft of water.
I haven't tried eating sheep head, I always thought they were similar to carp. I will say there are tons of them in I-Bay though. I catch a few every time I go there, since they like to congregate in the south end, on the flats. What surprised me, is that they hit relatively large sized rapala tail dancers. I would have figured the lures were way to large for their mouths, which are really pretty small for how big they get. That one in the pictures was like pulling a tank out of the water.
Man was it a beautiful weeked, and the fishin wasn't too bad either. Trolled the east and west, south end of the bay. From the bridge south seemed to be the best, but we managed several sheep head with the largest at about 9lbs. Caught a 7.5 pound and a 2.5 pound pike. A couple medium silver bass, one large mouth that we lost at the boat, and a 6.5 pound carp. Here are a few pic's from the weekend.
Ok, so i'm hoping someone has experienced this problem before and has some insight as the next best thing to do. I am trying to remove my bow mounted trolling motor. There are 4 bolts that hold it on the bow. All but one will come out and actually don't even grab anything. The one thats causing the issue seems to have something threaded on from the underside and with everything I have tried it just won't bite so I can unscrew it. The boat is an aluminum Sylvan adventurer the bow is enclosed in plywood and I don't see any good way to access the area under the trolling motor. In fact the one "face plate" type board that I was thinking of trying to remove is holding several gauges for fuel, battery, etc... There is an area in the floor I will try to explore tonight to see if I can get all the way up to the front of the bow but I don't think it will help. I would try to remove some pieces but I can't even see any fasteners as the whole boat is carpeted. Any suggestions would be helpful. Krash.
I've been reading and reading here in the trout and salmon section and I appreciate all of the wisdom here. My dilema is this, I don't currently have down riggers or dipsy's although I plan on buying some when the belt isn't so tight figuratively speaking. So in order to fish for salmon or trout without these essential tools and rather than waiting until late in the year for them to move into shallower waters are there any other ways to have a shot at catching them? I have in the past done some drift fishing with saw bellies but never really had any luck. I've also tried drifting larger sized spoons and jigs but again never been able to catch them. Any feed back that could be offered is much appreciated. I plan on trying to head out on the lake this weekend and will gladly try any new techniques. Thanks, Krash.
Well, went out to I-Bay last night. Was very busy at the south end and we had a hard time trolling the shoreline with all the pleasure cruisers out. Ended up with no pike and 1 bass, decent size although as I got him up to the boat he jumped out of the water a good 2 feet and threw the hook. I'm going to chalk that trip up to heavy traffic. Will be heading to NC and SC for the 4th so I'll be doing some salt water and brackish water fishing over the trip, I'm sure to have some pictures, which I'll post.
I'll be heading down there tomorrow after work, so I'll be sure to share any new news on where they are or aren't biting. Earlier this month I had a pretty good day at the south end in about 25 FOW trolling size 18 rapalas, 4 for 5, there are some spotty weed beds down there that are pretty deep and seem to hold a few fish. One thing that is really been freaking me out is that these northerns have mostly been all banged up. Lots of what appear to be big teeth marks around the lower part of the fish near the tail. It makes me wonder if there are some real monsters in there right now or if they've been caught and torn up by other fisherman.
Fished south of the bridge trolling the outside of Devils Cove. 10 to 30 FOW. Went 2 for 2 in about an hr on the water. The largest Northern of my season yet, came just as we round the most southern island near the Cove. 34 inches - 8 1/2 - 9 pounds, didn't get an exact weight. Nice fish. Picked him up on a black and silver x-rap.