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Everything posted by CaptSpike

  1. DIPSEY DEPTH CHART.pdf Checking if the file attached this time. Spike
  2. I found a chart online but I wasn't sure how accurate it is. Looking at the numbers it seems as though it would be in the ballpark. Anyway I put it in an excell sheet and saved it as a pdf. I don't know if this chart includes rings or not on the dipsey. As I said there was limited info where I found it. I believe it said it was for trolling speed of 2.2 - 2.4mph. Maybe someone recognizes the format and could shed some light on it. Spike OK not sure why the file didn't attach. I'll try again DIPSEY DEPTH CHART.pdf I think I can enter it here now but I can't delete the other thread.
  3. The last one looks like overkill, LOL. Spike
  4. I have had Boat U.S. forever and never had any issues with them at all. This includes two shafts breaking off of my lobster boat repaired and my trailer wheel blowing out last yr basically wiping out the fender and mounting bracket. They replaced all parts, even the rim and tire that blew out. Never had anyone come look at the boat in any instance. They used the estimate provided by the shops with strict instruction that no work be performed until the claim was approved. My guess is your claim wasn't approved first and proper channels were not followed. Granted it wasn't totally your fault as they didn't get back to you quickly and you want it fixed. I have no complaints so far with my interactions with them. If I were you I'd take it to the next level and see if they would cover it. The shop you had it fixed at should be able to help you out to answer any questions Boat U.S. might have. Maybe they wont cover it all, but maybe some of it? Worth trying. Sorry to hear of your bad experience. I have been pretty lucky with my dealings with them. Spike
  5. I emailed the company today asking about the wire used in the release as I read somewhere that they increased the size of the wire. Point being my releases were the original thinner wire release and I always worried about them giving away on the heavier balls. The company said they they increased the diameter of the wire but that many people are cutting the wire, removing the remaining wire and threading the cable right thru the release. Then terminate the end as usual. Then use a stop bead to prevent the release from sliding up the cable. The guy replying said he uses Scotty stop beads. I did a quick search and was able to find one picture showing a rigger set up that way but the guy that posted the picture used toothpicks and match sticks to keep it from riding up the cable and he was basically using it like a stacker not the main release. The way I see it is if I can eliminate an added link in the chain I'll do it. I plan on setting my riggers up this way for trial this weekend. Spike
  6. I just updated my ducer mounting to stern savers. They glue on and you don't need to drill any holes. you can also get custom sizes. Prior to this I had made a lexan plate the mounted with holes thru the transome. When I removed it I just filled the holes with 5200 and put the screws back in sealing the spots for good. Or at least as long as I will care, lol. Wish I had known about stren savers when first mounting the FF ducer. Not sure they were in bussiness yet. For those that like to DIY it is basically a piece of starboard or similar plastic that has 5/8 coarse threaded holes (6 of them) that do not break thru. The block is 5/8 thick (I believe or it could have been 1/2 I forget now but could measure again if needed). To mount you clean the area and scuff it up with light sand paper. Clean again. Fill the holes with 2 part epoxy, they claim theres is proprietary, but I'm sure any two part for water would be fine. They also had a little mounting tab that is stuck to the boat with double back tape and that helps center the block when putting it on the boat. Use tape (and their tab) to keep it in place over night and then mount your ducers. Probably would have been better if you just googled stern saver, lol. But it doesn't show you the details if you wanted to make your own. i was under crunch time so I just purchased three and mount two side by side for the FF and the other one holds the X4 ducer. Spike
  7. My turbulance prevented the ducer from picking up the signal from the probe. Mine is mounted on the opposite side from my kicker. I also "cheated" the ducer up a bit so that it doesn't sit below the boat at all, no chance to damage it. I did it that way because I didn't care about the speed at the surface function. My FF had that function and as you said the gps is what I use for speed at the surface. Granted the GPS doesn't account to current at the surface but where I usually fish that isn't an issue. Spike
  8. Nice showing Rod. I saw the standings on Bob's pictures and noticed the come back. I also would never recognize Justin from just a couple yrs ago. He is growing up fast. Which also means we are getting old fast, lol. I'm sure there are countless tournys in your future fishing together. Hope our paths cross again someday, Spike
  9. OK so my low light fishing success has been dismal. I can only remember one early morning being very good to me. I usually just look at a lit up screen and hooks until the sun breaches the horizon and the screen clears. What is the secret to predawn strikes? I use glow lures and FF combos but still do not (except for that one morning) have success. Any advice? It's not like we are fishing a dead area. We get bit plenty in the same area after the sun comes up but before it has been tough for us. Thanks for any help, Spike
  10. So I took inventory last week and found I only had two green dot spinnies left. I promptly added to those numbers and of course had to pick up a couple others as well. I picked up the Carbon 14 spin doc which to me anyway looks great when charged up. I also picked up the Monty 72. I'll let you know how well I do with them when i get the chance to use them. Has anyone else had the chance to run either of these spin doc's? If so how did they perform? Thanks, Spike
  11. Also make sure your transducer location is out of turbulence. I had planned on mounting mine on the side my kickers on but couldn't get a reading. Luckily I bought mine while out there fishing and mounted it to a piece of wood to get me thru till I got home to do the permanent mount. Would have sucked to have mounted it and find out it needed to move. Spike
  12. Saw it somewhere before and now I can't find it. What size rubber band is usedas a release to run a 400-600 copper on the planer boards? Thanks, Spike
  13. Welcome. I too am from NH. I'll be out there as you leave. Look forward to your reports to help point us in the right direction when we arrive. Like Barry, I don't get out there nearly enuf. Spike
  14. Wow the full blown shake down. If I remember the charter boats had to have a way that prevented the Y valve from being turned to discharge (lock or some other preventative measure) when chartering. Looks like the fleet had a field day with your boarding. Looked like a lot of fun was had. Spike
  15. Thanks fo the info. Curious Yankee why the CG was checking out your boat, it obviously wasn't for the 808's but I was wondering why they were looking down below? Was it just a generic boarding or did they have a specific reason? I have only been boarded for generic reasons and never had anyone check out below deck. Thanks, Spike
  16. Well this post just got me to sign up for the fall derby. I was going to skip it this yr but decided I didn't want this to happen to me. I just hope the derby ticket= no big fish and the no derby ticket = big fish isn't true, lol. Spike
  17. OK so I'm checking out the LOC site yesterday and came across some great video highlighting a 808 challenge. I was however left guessing if it ever went down as I didn't see any footage of the actual event. Did this ever play out and who won? Pretty entertaining stuff anyway. Spike
  18. Reason I liked the breaker over the inline fuse is I can shut it down any time I want. Also easier to reset after blowing out. Though I haven't tripped one since running each rigger on there own breaker. I don't use riggers early season local fishing so with the breakers off I don't have to worry about connections getting wet and having any stray current (though the caps do a pretty good job of sealing them up). Really just a matter of preference. Spike
  19. Found it. It was a different board. http://cjohn2979.proboards.com/thread/10431 The Lake Champlain board. Man that fish has a huge belly in comparison to the rest of the fish. Spike
  20. Who needs a livewell when your killin and chillin, LOL. Spike
  21. http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?productId=349177&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&storeId=11151&storeNum=50523&subdeptNum=50549&classNum=50556 Order/buy the 30 amp version. i can take a picture of mine tonight if you want to see how I rigged them up without the panel. I basically just stacked them side by side and held them in location with wire ties (it works, lol). I tried to use one breaker for the two riggers but would trip it when you need to move both riggers at the same time. So I added the second one and haven't had a problem. Spike
  22. As other said Bimini and cooling towels get the job done on our boat. Hat also takes frequent dips in the h2o as well. Spike
  23. Sounds like the prop, or at least have that checked first. I had an issue with my prop, a Michagan Vortex, where the hub assy used a two piece part for the shaft. That separated and the only thing holding my prop was the pressure between the nut and the thrust washer. When I tried to move it by hand the motor would turn (4 stroke). However when trying to run up on plane it would rev up like the motor was skipping. So it obviously had enough strength to turn the motor when I checked it and not enough to push the boat as required. Yours may be in the same situation. Change the prop and check it out. Some prop places will have one you can try to make sure it is that. If not a spare is a good thing. It could be something else but I'd start there. Let us know how you make out.
  24. I just used marine circuit breakers. Terminate the cable ends with rings and mounted the breakers inline right before the battery so access was easy and they are out of the weather. If you wanted to get fancy buy a panel and do it up nice. Spike
  25. None of those fish are the picture I was looking for. This was of a smaller laker (mid 20's?) but the belly was huge on it. That is what made it stand out. Thanks, Spike
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