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K Gonefishin

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Posts posted by K Gonefishin

  1. Do you guys pull fish on purple spin docs/flies and spoons? and when do you run them, deep shallow early late. I don't have a problem catching fish most times but had a converation with a friend who fishes out of the oak and he said he does great on purple based flies and spoons and said he pulls a ton of fish and big matures early and late on spooked up spoons. Maybe I don't run them enough (confidence thing) I don't want to miss out. I have the gear just don't soak it much.

    What is your take on PURPLE baits? I did just buy a purple nuke doctor haven't ran it yet though.

  2. Just from memory walleye fishing. 3oz at 40 back at 1.0 mph is 25 down 62 back at 1.0 mph is 38 down. I'm with Gene you were probably nowhere near bottom. Lengthen your leads a little bit as well.

    Here is a chart this is at 1.5 mph with 10 pound mono food for though. Lead is EXTREMELY speed dependend. Look how much blow back we get even with 8-15 pound rigger balls at over 2.0 mph. think about a puny little few oz of lead. ;)


  3. Side and down imaging is only effective and only meant to be ran and read at speeds of under 5mph to get a good picture. I know some guys that have it and in there opinon it's not worth it, good for inland lakes and rivers but for open water fishing/trollers, waste of money. Sponsored walleye pro's have told me so. Save your money.

  4. I think alot of guys get tangles because they let them out to fast and don't thumb them out slow enough when letting out the outside diver. Wwhen setting your outside (typically 3 or 3 1/2) make sure the dipsey is planning out slowing and you actually see it moving out to the side as well as hold the rod to the outside of your number 1 or 1 1/2 setting diver. I feel once 50 ft of line is out it should be far enough away from your inside diver that it won't get tangled this is usually around 50 back for the remaining amount of line I engage the reel and let a loose drag slip out the rest while keeping an eye on the counter slower is better. You may also want to take your inside rod holder and turn it in one or two clicks and use a longer rod on your outside rod as well and keep your outside divers rod holder up a notch or two compared to your inside. I used two wires all weekend and always use 2 braided diver walleye fishing and never tangle by following this approach. Follow what the other guys said as well.

  5. Line might be bad. How old is it?

    Never buy line from a shop that has ancient line sitting around and replace mono every year it's cheap enough to do so.

    I run 30 pound Maxima and 30 pound is thick line, I always spit on my knots (to reduce heat friction) and clinch them down to my sampos with a pair of pliers and leave a 1/8 inch tag end so when a big fish starts ripping the tag end does't pull through the knot and causes it to unbuckle as it tightens. I had a monster take my whole rig one time due to this (left with a curled knot) so I alway leave a little extra hangin because that fish will tighten that knot up after an intial tie.

  6. I need to do some real sweet talking to the woman so I can make another trip up myself, heck I'll even take her if I can go again...got my bro's wedding this weekend and another one later this month. If the weather holds the weekend after labor day might work if I go I'm taking a day off and making it worth my while. Let us know how you do. I'll be dreaming of kings while catching them :(;(

  7. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: alot

    Total Boated: alot

    Species Breakdown: 8 kings lost count of steel but between 35-40

    Hot Lure: Peerless Gators Chartruse and green

    Trolling Speed: Down Speed: 2.75 at ball

    Boat Depth:

    Lure Depth: Target offshore 35-55




    Fished off Olcott saturday and sunday, saturday we started in 275 and pointed in north ran into fish at the 27.5 and found a nice pocket of fish 2 miles long about 1 mile around the 28.5 to the 30 line somewhere about the 45 west, 50 degree water was around 45 down. We killed the steelhead boating more than we could count kept some that were bleading and hooked deep most on fly's had around 7 fish around 10 pounds or so maybe a couple pushing 11-12 and many in the 7-9 range, fished Peerless Gators off riggers with Spin Docs and ATM fly's off our inside wires and spoons on our outside wires, earlier in the day the inside wires were the only ones firing the outside ones completely dead then later in the day the insides went dead and outsides fired really well (weird) so many differnt fly's and spin docs worked for steelies I don't know which one was best but without a doubt the Peerless gator spoons were best on the probe rigger taking 5 kings to 15 pound all 1 and 2 year old fish, second biggest was 11 pounds. Went out for an evening bite looking for a mature inside waters 65-110, couldn't find one, took a 5 pound king and a couple skips called it early after a long day. Juding by Shad's report we should have kept one rigger and one wire in the ice water for more kings but with the solid action we wheren't complaining. Ohh well.

    Sunday- bumpy ride out with red sky in the morning and went to the same spot- first fish hit a nice steelie Green Crinkle ATM on a Green Spin Doc taped out at over 30 inches with a hook jaw real pink sides nice fish then took a 16 pound king on a Green Dot Spinny with a Bill V Green Ghost Siggs Fly off a rigger parked at 42, fish was rediculous strong for only being a 16 though I had a mature but came up short great fight. Trolled in the trough all the way back in and took another smaller king and a few more nice steelies box had 8 at the cleaners but action died at the 26 line, tough trolling in the stiff waves and wind. Pulled rods at noon and left home for Cleveland :( hopefully I can make it back when more matures are around

    Good Times.

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