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K Gonefishin

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Posts posted by K Gonefishin

  1. I've had some 47's & 27's for close to 10 years and I walleye and steelie fish alot on Erie and have yet to burn out a clicker and none of my friends have either, salmon and walleye guys. Diawa Sealine are workhorses that's for sure and for the money they can't be beat, I'm going to pick up some of the new LCX series over the winter I can't wait to run those.

    Sorry and no intent to tick anyone off but Magda's are junk, they don't even hold up to walleye fishing let alone screaming kings, best entry level mid priced reel is Diawa Accudepth Plus, I know they haven't been on the market for years and years like the SG's and LCA's but they are very solid so far I use 2 for divers for deep water steelie and walleye fishing, they perform great, solid reel for the money, blow Magda's out of the water.

  2. By the way, since I'm pretty new and only have a number of limited trips under my belt on lake O. I have pretty much only caught either shakers, teens or matures. We caught this fish and I think it's a king but was unsure due to it's pink back or is this just a 1 year old fish? or another species. Pretty fish though.

    Yeah I can fix the truck, good thing it wasn't my boat....that would have really grinded my gears. My boat is my baby and that can't get fixed at the local body shop.

    King or no?


  3. Tim wasn't me, my radio wasn't on, it might have been a couple guys I knew trying to call me though, a friend of my from Maryland had a friend of his out there which i didn't know until I past him trolling and he yelled my name I'm thinking who is that?, then my phone rings with an explaination. Weird I'm nowhere near Erie home..everytime I fish Olcott I run into people who know me one way or another.

    I'll be on my friends boat his radio works I'll give you guys a yell and see what's going on this weekend.

  4. I have Vector's with double rod holders, they rip up 15 pound balls like nothing. I have the older series not the heavy metal series I got used, they were owned by a charter captain so they got alot of use and they are still going strong, haven't been repaired once, all aluminum construction so nothing to break. I don't know if they are the best but they are solid..real solid riggers and would say they are up as far as being one of the best but I'm just one guy with an opinon but from what I've seen, read and heard, everyone is happy with them.

  5. make shure you have it in the usa or (U) setting not( I ) international had the same problem till i figured that out.

    Probably why my radio doesn't want to work, I have a sweet Raymarine radio and haven't used it all year because it doesn't want to work right, last year it worked fine something must have changed on it somehow, I swear some of my friends think thing on my boat are toys to play with. I'll take a look and check to see what setting it's on...thanks Ray.

  6. A glass boat will typically ride better in any chop and keep your drier, reason being they are typically heavier and manufactures can shape the hull to deflect water and spray away from the hull when riding through the water instead of the standard shape of almost every aluminum boat you see on the water and on the market. I have been in many of each and I can't stand the way tin boats pound you when traveling into any sort of waves over even 2 fters, glass boat typically land much easier and allow you to travel faster with the waves and against the waves and 10x drier when your troughin the waves. They do require a little more maintence as far as cleaning goes but I'll take the good with the bad. nothing worse than getting your teeth knocked out and a sore back after traveling 10 miles in 3-4 fters in a tin boat, not to mention if it's windy everyone in the boat needs rain gear unless it's calm out. If it's hot in the summer and the wind is blowing, now you have sweating and soaking wet passengers...not happy fisherman. For me it's glass all the way and I will never own an aluminum boat. I fish Erie 90% of the time and it's always choppy and rough and I can usually get out alot more than guys in tin boats and I never get beat to snot if it's rough, not to mention a quality glass boat and quality aluminum boat cost about the same. Compare a 20 ft Lund to a 20 ft glass boat of your choice and you'll see.

  7. Thanks dudes, I'll be back this weekend for saturday and half day sunday fishing just like this trip, different boat and different crew of guys, most likey that's it for this year until next spring. Hope the weather treats us a little better it would have been nice to actually fish 4-5 hours yesterday instead of 2 but at least we got one before headin in.

    I hate hittin Erie for walleye after King fishing in August ;(

  8. One of my buddy's hottest setups last year in August was a 30 inch lemon ice mag stinger behind a white crush glow spin doc, he caught many steelies and manture's on it. I didn't even know people did that. I guess that's what you get when you get someone who doesn't know any better salmon fishing away from lake erie walleye.

  9. Fishing Report

    Your Name / Boat Name:





    Time on Water:


    Wind Speed/Direction:


    Surface Temp:


    LAT/LONG (GPS Cords):




    Total Hits: 15 or so

    Total Boated: 5

    Species Breakdown: 5 kings

    Hot Lure:

    Trolling Speed: 3.0 GPS

    Down Speed:

    Boat Depth: 65-215

    Lure Depth: 60-80




    Fished out of Olcott Saturday got on the water shortly after 6am. Set up in the mid 70’s just west of the harbor, it was slow for the first couple hours then hit a nice king off the barn on a wire diver pulling a white crush glow spin doc/atomic/green crinkle on a 2 setting 180 back, that fish went right at 20 pounds (my buddy’s first king ever too!) it was slow for the next few hours trolled out to 215 off the microwave (deepest we went all day) at 12:30 I switched up the wire to some spoons within 1 minute after putting a black/white holo taped NK mag brass back in the water at 190 on a 2 it takes off screaming I was up to bat for this fish I boat a healthy 23 pounder.

    We continued to troll back and forth ALL day between 60 and 200 from the microwave to about 1 mile past the red barn for hours, we did take another keeper fish off a rigger that hit 60 down on a Dew B spinny and 42nd Fly and at least 6 shakers we tossed back those all came on spoons I think as well as a brown that came on a slow turn on a green dot spinny on a glow green crinkle fly that got an early release just shy of the net.

    Evening came… I complained that the leadcore was a quiet fixture all day so I put on a Moonshine carbon 14 it hadn’t been ran and It’s a favorite of some of my friends off copper and core and I like running glow baits later and early and about 30 minutes later it gets smoked real good, I just put that lead combo 2 trips ago and haven’t boated a screamer on it yet and my backing was screwed up so after the fish ran awhile the backing was wrapped up inside itself and the spool gets caught and it just stopped dead in it’s tracks while the fish is heading towards Canada…damn. We turned the boat toward the fish and the line was slacked and though it was gone, I told my buddy to keep cranking as fast as he could, next thing you know, it’s starts screaming again! Fish on still!, I’m thinking this is nuts, the spool stopped, the fish must have stopped with it and bee lined right for us and we thought it snapped off but didn’t, this battle lasted at least another 10-15 minutes, he played that fish near the boat FOREVER and couldn’t get him close to the net he just kept getting away from us but we finally got him, one of the craziest fights I’ve witnessed, fish went 22 pounds in 78 FOW, off the barn again.

    So we all got a mature on Saturday, plus another small keeper, a bunch of shakers, the early release brown, 2 shots on wires that didn’t buckle up, 6 knockoff so it was a pretty decent day IMO for still being pretty new at king fishing.

    Sunday we were slow moving to wake up (15 hours we put in on Saturday) and tear down camp in the morning, we ended up fishing 2 hours and just when we where about to call it after seeing lighting we took one nice fish just under 20 on a glow MJ in 76 FOW off the barn again, nice to get 1 final fish in before headin home.

    The bad part about the trip was Saturday some lady clipped the crap out of the front end of my truck in the parking lot and darn near tore my bumper completely off my 07 trailblazer SS, that SUCKED seeing that after coming in from a good day of fishing, she reported it though so that was the good part of that ordeal, no broken tackle and no lost fish either!

    Here are some of the better pics from the day. Sorry for the long winded report that’s how I roll.

    Sorry I wasn’t able to catch up with a Shade or Reelpower.







  10. Awesome video. I had 4 largemouth in a 75 gallon they where around 6 inches I pulled from a private pond, I used to feed them rosie red minnows from the pet store, I would dump in 3 dozen and they would be gone in no time, the bass tore them up within seconds, my friends would come over just to watch them eat, they would get crayfish from time to time as well and tad poles they would smoke them almost before they hit the water, they knew when it was time to eat. I miss my bass it was awesome times feeding them, dirty fish and a pain to clean the tank though.

  11. I'm staying in Olcott at Harbor Campground, I won't be fishing Friday and will be getting into Olcott pretty late probably around 10:30 -11:00 pm, I got my yearly in the spring when I was up but the two guys I'm coming with need to get licensed up so they will be waiting for Wes to open his doors while I get rods rigged.

    I've fished out of Olcott many days so I'm familar with the landmarks both east and west of the harbor. Last August I started in a little shallower in the mid 40's range and took teenagers just when the sun was coming up at first light but that bite shut down quick, then we crabbed out to where the best picture was, we had most of our best luck and all the majors we caught where between the barn and wilson pretty much right in the middle in the mid 70's but this was the 3rd week of August. I'll be fishing Olcott the next two weekends actually, just making the trip up on Friday's nights.

    Thanks for post and the help, and I will give you a call as well, I WILL need some info on down temp as I don't have this unit on my boat but plan on it by next season, might have a few additional q's as well. Look for the ranger walleye boat! with the big merc 250 and 9.9 kicker, cisco rod holders and vector riggers, believe me you won't see another one of these out there!


  12. I figured we knew each other at least through OGF in one form or another.

    Sounds like a plan none my other pals from OGF will be up to fish this early and most everyone is going out of Pt Breeze so having another boat to work with is always nice I like Olcott it's the first port I salmon fished out of years back and I like it so I keep coming back.

    I'll give you a call!

  13. I will say the X tools scale has proven itself to be exactly 3 oz light on every fish regardless of how big the fish 4 pounder or 12 pounder, so at least I can accuratly weigh fish. I fish around 5-10 walleye tourney's per year on Erie and when I go to the scales after weighing every fish I'm going to the scales with if I add 3 oz per fish I am right on. The last two tourney's I was dead on exact and same with the big fish of the tourney...3 oz to light at least I know what my fish go with my scale though after figureing this out, when I weigh the same fish twice it's always within a .2 window, I weighed one 5 times, 3 of the 5 it was the same and made sure slime wasn't dripping off too so the fish wasn't loosing anything. Hey when you fish against 150 boats every .1 counts.

  14. Last August when I fished Olcott/Wilson all our good Kings between 22-28 pounds came at either at 10 or 20 back the biggest fish 28 1/2 came at 8 back with spinny'sand fly's. 3.2 GPS was 2.8 at the ball, I don't have speed and temp but my buddy was out and he does and was working the same water so he let me know what was going on. We didn't get any good kings (just shakers and one 12 pounder) on spoons off riggers so can't say.

  15. I never know what to run and how.I usually just play around with the stuff throughout the trip.

    If I'm running say 2 riggers and 2 wires Do you guys more often than not try to run all spin docs and fly's or is that to much of one program or run 1 spin doc and fly off wire than on the other side run a spoon, or 2 spin docs off both riggers one high one low or one on each. I image every day is different but is there a rule of thumb of sorts? I know guys try to get fish to come into the spread with certain baits. What's your guys take on what to run. If it matters I'm trying to target all kings. Are there any no no's that don't seem to work.


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