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    Hughes Marina

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  1. you can try Bill at https://bwcustomsboatrepair.com/ super nice guy, talked with him about the transom in my sylvan, but ended up selling it instead.
  2. this is going to be an unpopular answer to your question, but... you can use any gear oil in the correct viscosity , mercuiser oil will be fine.
  3. https://outboards.yamaha-owners-manuals.com/om/LIT-18626-12-34.pdf this has all the info you need
  4. dang, thank you, gonna need the big balls to get that low,
  5. nasty little buggers, how many feet of water are you working
  6. re-terminating the cable every year will help, there are a lot of stresses at that union that metal cable is not intended to endure.
  7. great report as always, thank you for the info, and your time!
  8. I'm going to go a different route, im 3 - 5 feet off the ball, if my lures are to far back i catch less fish, salmon seem to be attracted to the weight. and my MUP spoon is 15 feet back and the clip on the main line is 10 ft up from the ball. this has worked well for me.
  9. Krenzers in sodus point , i know it's a bit of a drive, but they always took good care of my stuff
  10. he's correct, as long as they stay charged they won't freeze, buut what if they do loose charge and go dead, then they will freeze, i always have done like you, put them in the basement, i record state of charge, and have just put a top off on them in the spring. but i like to keep an eye on them.
  11. wow that thing is in beautiful shape
  12. https://youtu.be/ptFdVPEd7a8 this may help
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