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Richard Bullen

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Everything posted by Richard Bullen

  1. Bob I am going to send the stuff out today. If I have anytime it'll be this afternoon. Thanks in advance richard
  2. Looking for a CMC PT-130 used for sale with guage if available
  3. J.D. Thanks looked it up and it does appear to be the way to go. Appreciate the Heads Up
  4. Tim I will be wearing my Blase Orange hunting coveralls probably be able to hand pick the fish from shore them laughing so Much
  5. I'll be in batavia NY area from 5 Jan thru 30 Jan 2009 If you want give me Phone number and time to call and we'll take a looksee
  6. Still Available?? Reels come with em??
  7. 1987 Complete Power trim and tilt I been told a 50 HP and a 60 HP Mercury OB unit will Fix Problem Anyone know of one for Sale?? How Much I can expect to Pay for good working unit???
  8. Rick Thanks sometimes cuzzints don't answer questions when they think you BS'n em
  9. Much Appreciate the candor already. question have 1987 starcraft 50 HP 3 cyl OB what do I need to change from manual lifting and setting to a power tilt and trim setup??? Anyone you know who might have one??? Don't fish alot but plan to change that will need to upgrade that tilt problem
  10. Well I guess if any guys see a guy freesing his balls off trying to fish with a spinning rod and reel it'll be me, wish me luck hell i'm already coldjust thinking about it but hey what you don't know won't hurt ya
  11. Keith Thanks for the suggestions I* will probably just bring a spinning rod in 8-10 LB test. Will only be out there for awhile anyways so Hope Floats and a sac work.
  12. Cuz I had ONE good feeling left and you had to drive a bus over it THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Question what would the carburation have to do with a power trim and tilt install?????????
  13. Bob I'll try and call after 5 Monday the 5th of Jan. The clinic is in Batavia should have some time off on the weekends, thats why i inquired about fishing in the area. Oak Orchard is due North of batavia so i might just put one of my spinning rods and waders in the back if I getout maybe we can chew the fat and watch the floats go under???
  14. I was wondering if anyone has or can tell me about a Power Trim and Tilt unit that will attach to the boat?? I ain't getting any younger and lifting it by hand is getting to be a pain in the back NO PUN Intended.Anyone got something that'll do the job ??
  15. John I will try and call you Monday nite what time is best for you??????
  16. Bob You Betcha I've fished for bullheads catfish sunfish bass bluegills salmon steelies browns I think I've caught 1 each except for steelies. Thanks for the welcome Home recently found out one of my pilots Mike Jackson started the Welcome Home program. I won't be in batavias til Monday Morning I'll check in sometime monday nite what times best??
  17. OK Should be able to follow those instructions now what do I do when i get there? Can't afford a guide have been known to pick up Ideas when the resson is the hard way ie school of hard knocks. but really can i just float a sac o salmon using my downrigger rod or do I need a Noodle rod and just what the hell is one???
  18. Names Richard Bullen JR Retired general layabout. 16 Ft Starcraft named LIL HONEY 2 manual downriggers ( so if your on the boat ask for Manual) Plan on trying to learn some fishing technicks this spring summer and fall OH YEAH don't call me Honey I'll answer to Bullycontrol I hope I'll need a Bigger Net
  19. Good Deal Todays My Sisters Bday also. I'll have cash if you accept it?? I'll call I'll be at a VA Clinic in Batavia should have some time to myself though.
  20. Bob How are you fixed for flies??
  21. Suggestions on lures?? Fish the eddies I suppose heard Chartruese on a worm spinner hooked in middle so it straightens out when slacked
  22. Bob I got CRS I don't need the ice jigs cause my ole bones won't allow me to sit on the ice richard
  23. Bob nice Name it's my Cuz's also Where do I send the Money order?? Name address town and zip Please Whatever you listed and what your going to clean up.I Guess I'll be in Batavia NY thru Jan Phone number to meet richard
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