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Everything posted by Marty59

  1. Still have to aware of Photo Shop'd pictures! Those types are tricky.
  2. Very nice..... especially when you tell them "we are going to catch you a BIG fish" AND THEN YOU DO!!!
  3. Those didn't last long!!!
  4. Agree on the economies of reloading except you can't find PRIMERs and powder is hit and miss. So if you have everything available I support going for it! IF you know who has a good supply of primers, please do tell! Thanks Marty
  5. As mentioned....make sure your batteries are good. With the unit powered on and not running, take a voltage measurement across the collective battery set. Should be close to 37.5V fully charged (12.6v/battery). If it reads below 36V (or less) time for a new set of batteries! You can also take them to the auto parts store and have them load tested. Marty
  6. As a fist timer my observation was: 1) you have east/west stright line trollers, 2) south west / north east trollers and the 3) "S" trollers who were all targetiong the same 90-180' depth range (from the red bouy east). You would think there is enough room for everyone but everyone wanted the same coridor! We did not run long lines for that reason. One vessel that cut in front us (coming from our port side! no less) lost his long line rig in my downrigger cable. From what I saw it is pure chaos although navagable. Marty
  7. We left the Fort N Launch about 6:30 and headed to the 100' just beyond the red bouy. Set up 4 dipsy divers down 40, 50 60 & 70'. Riggers down 60 and 80 with sliders. The morning e-w troll produced 4 nice kings, one laker (released) and two more releases that we lost our set ups on (one operator equipment error and one dipsy actually broke!). After a short nap and lunch, headed back out about 5 pm. We picked up 3 more kings (one 19#er our biggest) and one real short 14" that we must have dragged for a while - he/she went back. Only caught one of the bunch on a rigger. Blue'ish spoons were the ticket for us. No other color seemed to produce. Hit em good everyone! Marty satified Lake O Newb
  8. Try Harbor Freight $20 https://www.harborfreight.com/heavy-duty-17-1-2-half-inch-hand-riveter-with-collection-bottle-66422.html Marty
  9. Repair my old boat with 1/4 rivtes (used a "F" size drill) from: https://rivetsinstock.com/rivets/blind-rivets/closed-end-blind-rivets.html I suggest aluminum rivets with a steel mandrel. The steel mandrel gives you more "closing" force than the aluminum mandrel. Marty
  10. Sold!
  11. Fishinjon, Don't hesitate to call if you are still interested after the first of the year. Thanks, Marty
  12. The newer 4-strokes compare favorably to 2-strokes for weight. The 9.9 Merc Pro Kicker (or Nissan or Yammy or Suzuki or ...) connected via a bar link coupled with an ITroll for precision speed control is awesome combination.
  13. Good read...thanks!
  14. Located Marty
  15. Yes it is... Mart
  16. $34,500 Marty
  17. Not sure why the interior picture is rotated! The upload file looks like the others for orientation. Hmmm. Marty
  18. $34,500 2006 Lund 2150 Baron Gran Sport - (Garage Stored 365 days/yr) 250Hp Mercury Verado - 382 Hours 9.9Hp Mercury Pro Kicker Terrova 72” 101# with universal sonar 2 Captains Chairs + 2 Pro Ride seats + 2 popup seat in rear 4 bank and 1 bank Dual Pro Chargers Travel Cover Bimini Top Bow cover 5 Batteries Pro Troll – digital Kicker throttle control Lowrance LCX 111 – 10” with Cisco Mount Lowrance HDS 10 with side scan LSS2 sonar & Cisco Mount Humminbird 858 with I-Pilot Link capability with Cisco Mount NMEA 2000 Network Mercury digital smart craft gauge Cisco 60” removable track on each port and starboard gunnels VHF radio with DCS and whip antenna Downrigger electrical outlets Washdown system Tandem axle Trail Master Trailer with Ultimate Bunk Boards Two speed manual winch Boat is in excellent shape. Just needs a new owner and a fishing rod to get started!
  19. Chamberlin's for me and here is a cheap place to get them! http://www.midwesthuntersoutlet.com/ite ... .aspx?SR=1 Marty
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