Great job Brian, that is a very tough tourney to fish without an ATV to cover a lot of ice fast in 6 a hour time limit . My nephew and a buddy fished it a few years back on loon lake or silver lake can't remember for sure i do believe it was loon lake and placed 4th and they feel they could have done better if they had an ATV because the that the one foot of snow and slush on the bottom make it tough to drag around by hand, and i'm sure you know what that is like, Heck Dave genz himself even had a hard time on his ATV, he got it stuck and tipped it over right in front of them and they helped him get it out and after he said thanks and chatted for a while he drove away and them my nephew asked my buddy who the heck is Dave genz, so my buddy said just look at the side of your fish trap and that should tell you who he is . I L.M.A.O when i heard that, my nephew doesn't ice fish very much and had used my fish trap for the tourney that day.
Once again Brian great job