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Just Ducky

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Everything posted by Just Ducky

  1. Are you running the ultimate (mag) kits on your slide divers? I am super happy running my slide divers with the ultimate kits as my low divers. I can run 11" paddles on both at the same time with no issues. I do not use any swivels to tie my braid to the wire. I use an Alberto knot. I do upgrade the cheap barrel swivel included in the kit to a good quality ball bearing swivel and have zero line twist.
  2. I have two. Send me a private message.
  3. Jim - the owner is having some health issues. .
  4. Just for reference, how much is a case of whole herring?
  5. Best thing I ever added to my set-up. These are great if you trailer your boat!
  6. If Earl28 backs out, Ill take them
  7. Has anyone ever mounted shark weight holders off Big Jon Captain Packs? If so, do you have any pictures? I am thinking it would take some modifications to make them fit.
  8. Nice job Bob! Good luck with your surgery.
  9. I will take them! Sent you a PM for payment.
  10. Sent you a PM
  11. How did the rest of your day go?
  12. Shaft Length and price? I assume it is 24 v?
  13. Cost, year motor and HP please.
  14. Very nice! You have a really nice set up. I am a little jealous! Your wife knew just what needed done to get the boat ready for the road. We were in the Lund yesterday at the ramp when you were buttoning everything down getting ready to head home. We followed each other on 90 for quite a while back to Ohio. We landed 5 for 7 yesterday morning in 70 to 120 ft east of Olcott. Largest was 29 lbs. Meat rigs worked best for us. We landed some on spoons and only one on a Spin Dr and fly.
  15. One steel and one two year old. Both on 400 copper. Lake is laying down now
  16. Maybe they messed up the metric conversion to pounds??
  17. What year?
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