S**K is a BFS (big fish specialist). I ran into him last year at the cleaning station and he was hacking away at some huge steel. He's got his programs in order.
I fished out of Wison last weekend. Found a good scum line/temp break around 6 miles straight out. We fished it for 3 days in a row during the middle of the day and caught kings. Kings came on spoons and flies. Only 1 steelhead. It was really good fishing for the couple hours I put in. I expect this weekend will be a good bite.
So it seems like the fish might be showing up more at the Oak now? The weather forecast for the weekend looks amazing! I am hearing good reports of fish stacked in Niagara river now and hearing hardly any fish in the Salmon river. Wow what a strange year...
I am hearing reports that the OAK Orchard turned on this morning for stagers. Can anyone confirm if the bite is going strong this morning? I have about a 4 hour drive and would love to come up with my son for the weekend. I would appreciate any information. PM's are welcome.
Thanks for the info. It has been a bizzarre year for sure. The only consistent trip for me was labor day weekend. I am very thankful to have 3 good days of fishing and limits of mature kings. I will be very interested to see what kind of runs show up at the dam this year. It sounds like the river fishing is going to get interesting with the restrictions of the power supply company. It never gets old catching kings. They truely are the beast of freshwater fish.
Who is going to be out this weekend? I see strong south winds forecasted but was thinking about making my last trip up this weekend to fish the Oak Orchard this Friday and Saturday and possibly some pier casting. Last year we made this trip and did really well in the morning and evening on J plugs and glow spoons. I hear they are currently dredging the oak orchard river. I think they dreged Olcott harbor last weekend. Seems like reports have been really this week. Has anyone got some insight on the bite?
I think we passed you many times last weekend. We had 3 guys on a 14 red lund. It was some great action for sure. I cannot believe how fast that storm kicked up Saturday night. I sure was glad we made it back to the dock before the wind kicked up.
I didn't see anyone mention Ray's Tavern off I18. Nothing fancy to look at from the outside but they sure treated us well. I remember we went there for Monday steak night in August. They had a special with steak and two sides for 6.95. Of course they were sold out by the time we got there after fishing but the bartender substituted an open face sandwich. It was a huge portion and everyone was very nice. I would go back again.
Sorry I see that now in your report up above. That fish must have gotten lost with the blow earlier in the week. Amazing how those browns can move in and out like that. I have actually gotten a few sheephead offshore before on spoons. You are the "big man on Lake O". I know who I would be booking with if I didnt already my own boat. 40 hookup by 2pm after a slow start is just crazy. Those guys will never forget that day.
Is that a Smallmouth Bass or Sheephead in the last picture? Let me guess it came on the deep rigger on a meat rig way offshore right??
Great report and looks like you might have the majors cleaned out before they get a chance to run the oak this year.
That works out to $2.30 per piece including shipping. What is a reasonable price? Make me an offer. I don't get to fish much anymore so hopefully someone can get some good use on this stuff.