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  1. Free bird, it was a real bummer to see so few fishing. Like you said I have memories of being in that line past the bridge! What’s really amazing is how they renovated places to stay there. Years ago we had to stay up by 90 to spend the night. I heard rumors why we were there that a 3 story lodgeing was going to be built on east side of river. I wish them luck with the current lack of trollers
  2. Free bird 18, I can tell you why. There’s almost no one fishing at olocott! Of course some charters, but there not going to post. We were there yesterday and today. The place is a ghost town.! I think when when the couple that do fish report it’s slow, people just don’t fish. You no longer have the number of boats like years ago to find them. No matter what report we used to get.. We went and eventually made it happen. As far as our 2 days, we chartered this time on Thrillseeker. 1st day limited on mostly Steel as I thought would happen with spread out Kings. Second day did better on Kings, did not limit but got some decent Kings. One about 20#.
  3. Eyecatcher , did you get any decent kings in that close water?
  4. We’re is Hughes? Thanx!
  5. We will be heading to Martha’s Vineyard on the 19th. We’re those caught from shore? If so how heavy fishing gear do I need to bring? Any tips would be awesome. Thanx
  6. Looking for some input on when it’s best to troll ollicots river mouth for fall kings. Used to do this years ago but forget if it was around Labor Day or later. Thanx
  7. Charter My Bonnie runs a trip like that in the river at ollicot in the evenings
  8. Not sure about boat us. 12 years a ago we blew a gimbal bearing about 6 miles from shore at ollicot. We could not find any tow service, and hailed coast guard. They sent the SS Niagara from the Niagara river and towed us back to dock in ollicot. Thought for sure this would cost a bundle. But. Luckily the don’t charge, at least back then. Did do a boat inspection.
  9. Those sea sick wobblers were they gold or silver back? Thanx
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