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Everything posted by reeleyz

  1. I run browning cell cameras and have had zero issues. The first browning cell cam I put out was in July of 2021 and it is still on the same set of lithium batteries! I have never touched that camera.
  2. I chased them the other day. I cooked them in a stew with a turkey leg. That was pretty good.
  3. I have never been off 9” but I have definitely been off more than 1”. It is common across many ML brands and models. https://www.muzzleloadingbullets.com/Muzzleloader-Accuracy-s/1891.htm
  4. This is my first thought. My Accura likes a fouled barrel.
  5. At the 11th hour too!
  6. That is awesome, congrats on the buck. That’s my kind of fun processing a deer in a hotel room with nothing else to do.
  7. Hochul Vetoed the Holiday hunt opt out. https://www.newyorkupstate.com/outdoors/2022/12/gov-hochul-vetos-bill-allowing-upstate-ny-counties-to-ban-holiday-hunt.html
  8. My wife always busts my balls when I say horns. Yeah yeah yeah ANTLERS. It just doesn’t sound as good.
  9. I had some midday doe movement.
  10. The bucks I saw were grouped up too. The movement last night was great considering rifle just closed.
  11. I use dawn and hot water as well. Shooting with a fouled barrel is the only way my CVA will shoot consistenly. If I shoot it on a clean barrel it will be off several inches. Shooting 1 cap seems to do the trick. Then I spit swab between shots and it shoots great. I started using BH209 this year and I love it. It seems to shoot better than pellets and it is definitely cleaner.
  12. You should also send a message to the Governor with this link and ask her to veto S6510/A7785. https://www.governor.ny.gov/content/governor-contact-form
  13. The September hunt is doe only and only certain SZ WMUs. The Holiday hunt is just an extension of the normal late ML season in the southern zone. So any tag can be used. There is some legislation in the works that may allow counties to opt out. The NYSCC is urging people to ask the governer to veto S6510/A7785.
  14. Any recommendations for a good taxidermist is CNY? Anyone have experience with John Wilke?
  15. Here is a better pic and the neighbor also sent me a pic of him last year.
  16. 35 opening days and I have never seen a truly big buck until today.
  17. BBD!!!
  18. First shot in 4F at 6:30 on the nose.
  19. I’d give him a year of aging in my freezer!
  20. Good luck tomorrow. I am taking my sister in law out trying to get her first deer.
  21. I put the turkey thighs, legs, neck, and wings in an instapot for 60 minutes. Then peel the meat off and add vegatables for another 10 minutes. It makes a great stew.
  22. The trukey population is looking really good. 3 good hatches in a row. It appears that a dry(ish) June might be the key.
  23. I picked up a couple keepers and a short this morning and dropped 2 nice fish. Then at sunrise I put a camera down. I only saw 1 walleye but there was a pile of bass. I assume that the walleyes move to deeper shady spots at sunrise?
  24. How did you do that? I drove one in my finger past the barb last month and had to grab the pliers and keep pulling. That was lots of fun. I just love trying to get a fish unhooked with one hand connected to it.
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