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Posts posted by reeleyz

  1. Sitka Incinerator hand muff is a must have for me. Let’s me bow hunt with bare hands no matter how cold. I don’t like a glove on my release hand. I also picked up a rechargeable hand warmer. That should be perfect when (if?) it gets cold.

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United

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  2. Oldest boy wanted to save the heart. Anyone have a recipe they’d recommend as I’ve never cooked it myself.



    Slice it up and fry it with butter, salt, pepper. It is excellent. I can’t believe more people don’t keep the heart. I have never left one behind. I take the liver too.



    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United

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  3. Nice buck. Congrats!


    A few years back I shot a doe during the rut and I had a small buck come through a half hour later and he kept stepping on her like he wanted her to stand up so he could mount her. Funny stuff. She was with a group of deer when I shot her, not acting like she was in heat.



    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United


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