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Posts posted by reeleyz

  1. What difference does it make for someone who is an “essential” worker that has continuous constant contact with co workers? We ride to work together and work together, I’m gone for 14 hours most days so I spend more time with them than anyone else in my life. I see where you’re coming from but not everyone gets the luxury of just quarantining themselves from the world, so why should we only be allowed to ride together to work and work all day together but not fish together when we get a day off? 

    We could down this rabbit hole for days.

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do!

    Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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  2. My 2 cams with Moultrie Mobile are working great. I am going to relocate them to some food sources this week and try to put a late season game plan together.


    This is a pic from last night just after sunset. Passed on this guy at 40 yards last week.



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