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  1. My favorite dipsy color ,which has been consistantly effective for 20 years is what I call the Raz ma taz. It is a rasberry dipsy on top silver bottom with a black ring. use either regular ring or the oversized one. I have caught more steelheeds and salmon on this than any other dipsy color. I also use a clear snubber with all my dipsys. Jay Levy
  2. For Sale: 1990 31' Baha Flybridge Fishes Lake Ontario- fully equipped. will sell with or without equipment. $18,500 and with extra equipment not included to be negotable. Fishing tackle is for sale - inquire. Boat has air, Gen. twin 350,s inboards closed cooling used only in fresh water. many extra's too numerous to mention--- ask me. email jlevy10531@aol.com call 315- 6381103
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