I am thinking of buying some inline planning boards, Not sure if i understand how they work, when you hook the planning boards to your pole how do they relese, are you pulling the fish and the board?????? A Friend of mine told me not to even bother dipseys work better
I am hoping one of you guys can give me some advice, I have a 22'' bayliner cabin cruser, i want to buy planning boards for browns but i don't want to install a mass, i have heard there was planning boards that work just as well using your rods as an outrigger, if anyone can give me some sugestions it would be helpful.
How about fishing out of a 16 ft deep V catching the bottom with the downrigger and almost capsizing the boat, or have a storm roll in fishing the big O, or the worst ever have the fog roll in and you here a loud fog horn getting closer and closer, the all you can see is an oil tanker comming right for you, That was just a a few things that happened to me in my early years, Now i have a 22 '' cabin cruzer, good radio, gps and i never drag the bottom or even think of going out in anything over 2-4 footers
Im comming up Saturday and Sunday lunching from mexico, I hven't been seeing any reports around oswego or mexico, Is anyone catching anything in that area, if so how deep???.
Hey guys i'm comming up this weekend, I will be lunching from mexico, Are you guys doing better in oswego or port ontero????, this will be my last trip with the boat till next year, looking for some advice???.
Hey guys,Im thinking about trying something different, i have been fishing the salmon river for years , I here a lot about the sandy pond and the sandy creek, My son and i like to fish the lake, However Dad lost his sea legs and is being forced to fish the river or creeks, He tried the patch and dramamene, no luck, How far is sandy pond from pulaski and is there good creek or river fishing not to far from where i would lunch the boat.????,
Hey guys is the 1st two weeks in October to late for fishing the lake for kings, tying to plan at least two more trips to the big O before putting it away for the winter.
Thanks guys for your inputt, The way my boat is set up i have my riggers on the sides and i run my dipseys off the back, with one flat line in the middle, The biggest fish of the day last week i had at the side of the boat, He took one last dive under the boat and wrapped himself around the rigger cable,
I am thinking about running a copper set up and i just have a few questions, 1 Do you run flashers with copper or a diving type of lure, Would you run a j plug or j plug with a flasher, Do you use a leader of mono line of the copper????
Started out at 600am, We fished mostly 80-120, We landed two out of 6, I took the old lady she had a ball, Two of the fish we lost end up getting mashed up with the other lines out or wraping around the downriger cables, Should i be comming to a complete stop and getting in all the lines or keep trolling , I noticed most of the other boats don't pull in all the other lines????.
I here some guys talking about running j plugs just of the mouth of the river, ??, Would you run them of the rigger down just a few feet or would you flatline, also shoud you run any flashers when flatlining??? I tried runnng in close with just j plugs and wasted a few hours.
Hey guys i here a lot of talk about this natural born killer, Where can i get a couple, and what color, i will be in the port onterio saturday???????
Hi guys , I just picked up a 22-5 Bayliner cudy and im setting it up little by little, i have two cannon manual downrigers and i using two dipseys out the back, I hope to get a few pointers of you guys, 1st i here a lot of guys talking about wires and copper??, do you run them with dipseys or riggers, also how do you set up to run two polls off each rigger, sliders, cheaters i here about but i don't know what they are or how to rig them, I was up for the weekend two weeks ago and went 2 for 9, seven broke my line lol, but we had fun anyway, any comments would be a big help.
Hey steve , Using the wire or copper do you use divers with them or just run them without divers???, also is the wire line tough to use tangles knots etc???
Hey guys im trying my luck again this weekend,Hopfully i can do better than 2 fot 9 this time, Currently im fishing with two rigers and two dipseys, I here a lot about fishing with 2 pols of each riger, would i just add another relese, or i here some guys talking about sliders!!, How many rigs are you guys running, and can i use more than 2 dipseys without having a mess, Also are you guys running flashers with j plugs or just the j plug????.
Well we had a pretty good weekend since it was the 1st time fishing the lake in over 15 years , I picked up a 22-5 bayliner cudy, Bought two cannon downrigers ans a hand full of dipseys, Saturday we ended up fishing from 1 till 8, had 3 on and lost all three, fishing out of oswego in 80 fow down 40-60, attomik flies, green , Sunday we fished out of the salmon river, We end up 2 for 9, Seven broke my line after a nice 10 minute fight, fishing in 100 fow down 70 all the action was on flies, nothing on spoons or j plugs, I thought mybe i could get some pointers off you guys, just a few questions, what size dipseys and how far from the spin doctor should i run them,how long of a leader off the dipesy,What seems to be the hot spoons these days, colors, brand, etc, Most of all what is the trick behind keeping your dipseys from getting all tangled up with your rigers and each other, I think i went threw 10,000 yds of string over the weekend.