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August 23, 2008
Last visited
September 7, 2023
Everything posted by blueghost1
Ugh, that sucks, sorry. I am going to lose sleep worrying about the same now. Hope the p.o.s is caught and you get all returned. Won't your home owners ins cover it I hope?
The boys at Seagers did a great job with the trophy .
Something in the water intake? Impeller? Zebra mussels can grow in the water systems I have heard. Just a guess, prob get better answers but where I would start.
I am selling a "like new" 5' Big Jon planer mast. comes complete with line and two home made colapsable boards. Purchased but decided to keep my rail mount reels. $200/bo Pick up in Walworth, or pm if interested.
thanks, Kevin
we def have to get out together sometime this year Dale maybe drag Chris as well...
I don't like the sound of prop wash and down rigger cable humming. I like the sound of ringing phones, dumb questions and impact guns in the back ground and Dale you are right, they are turning quick
I hate that!! Perfect day to work
just say the fishing sucks, bad day. Feel for those of us stuck at work
Les, alot of bait and some marks in 160-190 60-90 down slow so far 0/1 80' rigger took a shot
had 3 rainbows slam the dipsies last fall out there in front of Thendaras. Hit as that rod as hard as a king. one was over 6lbs, lost the other two after an air show diver and all!
We need to get Jeremy Wade to Seneca lake!!!
If anyone needs an observer for Sunday I will be avail.
I will be available Sunday if an observer is needed for that day. If anyone needs an observer shoot me a pm
If it were me and using a row boat, I would loop the wire around the oar to get the jigging action, then every 8-10 rows stop for a few seconds. Laugh but it will work. Jason's great lakes #4's on wire have put hundreds of nice lakers in the boat for us on Seneca and Canandaigua . My dads "bucket list" includes catching a king on wire. I said wont slow down enough on Lake O for him to do that. Said I am not interested in waiting in the ED while he gets fingers stitched back on
" all the above. Been pulling wire with dad for 30 yrs now. I may also add my dad and I added a piece of stainless wire on the hook eye of the ace and great lakes spoons, similar to the weed guard on a Johnson silver minnow. This greatly reduced bottom snags , saves a lot of lures and really minimizes the dreaded near finger removing snags been there too many times.
How deep is Owasco? Never been there.
Hmmm some of us may trade in gorgeous trolling rigs for a sparkly, low to the water , two barstool 250hp out board boat to pursue the elusive GREEN CARP I mean bass
along time ago (20-25 yrs ago) my dad and I were fishing Seneca near the barge in 570 fow. all of a sudden he said " what the hell is that?" I looked on the screen and there was a solid red arch down 320' that extended almost the length of the screen. we stopped the frame and took a 35mm pic of it. unfortunately the film got exposed and ruined so proof was gone. When asking a dec biologist they said possibly and probably a sturgeon. Was def eye opening
Les, if there is ever a fishing tackle jeopardy, you are definatley my teammate
Hi tech. Had the pink one on a slider Sunday . Not sure the color name