So most people who replace a transom doing it themselves do have at least some do it yourself talent, but often lack the power equipment to make the hole process go as smooth as it should be.
One of those tools often is a crane or cherry picker or backyard tree.
There is a simple cheap solution to this problem. What you need is 3 4x4x8s 2 feet of 3/4 inch pipe with a 90 degree angle and a 5 inch piece of pipe screwed into the 90 and a little ratcheting pulley thing capable of holding a thousand pounds that you can get for cheap at harbor freight. You lay two of the 8 footers across the beam and lay the 3/4 inch pipeon top across the beams right above the hook on the engine, hang the pulley off the 3/4 inch pipe and you are ready to winch your engine up.
So why the third 4x4?
If you need to move the engine backward or forward, you should cut that one in two and lay it crosswise on the other 2 beams . You put the 3/4 inch steel pipe on top and hang the winch on it. once you have raised your engine, you can move it back and forth by rolling the pipe with the help of the "handle" piece of pipe.
I wish you all happy puttering which is as much fun as fishing.
So far I have restored 4 aluminum boats. My first rebuild was a boat that was a sixteen foot boat like the ones used in the Bay of pigs fiasco. The rest all Starcraft, a Holiday and 2 Islanders. I may be able to help you out dependent on what you need done.
3 day delivery is not too bad.
In Rochester (Irondequoit) there is a West Marine store. They have high quality epoxy resin, but here is a 3 day delivery option for your preferred epoxy.
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You may want to reconsider. Most trolling is done with small kickers in order to save on gas and because the 9.9 engines can run at very low speeds ( between 1.5 and 4 mph)
Here it is quite common to have a 30 or 40 horse main engine to go places and then switch to the 9.9 for trolling.
Thank you guys for your comments. It helped me decide to set aside all the stuff that I somehow thought might make things work and went for a Garmin reactor 40 with an additional screen on the dash.
I remember the last time time that the winter was this gentle. The Pro-Am was won with a fish in the high twenties. Most of the boats had their box full before 8 in the morning.
They sell the herring by the scoop. You can stand in line with your bucket. As for the stripers, it is still bit early . Besides with the compliments of the Virginia commercial catfood fishery industry the stripers have become scarce. Virginia allows the catfood fleet to destroy the baitfish off their coast.
For what its worth. I am changing out my Panther trollmaster TR5 for autopilot and I will put the tr5 remote up for sale. I also have a powrtran remote steering that I will put up Contact me If that would help you.