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Myles Kaufman

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Everything posted by Myles Kaufman

  1. It appears as though there will NOT be another launching ramp nor an extension of the existing one unfortunately! However, the original decking on the current ramp is slated to be replaced with the two new sections provided. So that's the end of that story!
  2. I have been launching at Dean's for many years. Just noticed yesterday that there are two pre-fab wooden launching docks covered up on the north side of the existing launch. Does anyone have any info if these are going to be used for an additional launching ramp or possibly just to extend the original one that is currently there? It would be nice to have another ramp as there are many times when the 'waiting line' is long and slow in moving. Also noticed that there are going to be new wooden steps to be built from the upper parking lot down to the launch area. Looks like a major project, but at least there are finally going to be some upgrades. Also what is desperately needed is for a lamp post to be placed at the end of the existing dock as the one in the launch area does not light up the launching dock sufficiently. Either that, or modify the current one to shine at the launching area where it's needed most.
  3. Having fished Dean's for many years, just noticed a few days ago that there are two pre-built wooden dock sections covered up on the north side lawn of the launch. Does anyone have any info if these are going to be used to add another launching ramp next to the existing one, or are they going to be used to lengthen the one already there. There are many times when the launch area is packed with boats waiting to launch, and another ramp would be welcomed. Please respond if you have any info. Thank you!
  4. I'm in the market for a very good condition used 3.0 Mercruiser engine. for my 1986 fishing boat. Please contact me if you have one or know of one. I would greatly appreciate any leads. Thank you.....Myles 607 227-3538 Mrpiano45@aol.com
  5. I've used "Bluetop" flutter spoons for over 2 years now and they are the best on the market for catching all kinds of trout and salmon. Give them a try....you won't be disappointed!
  6. Hey guys....we're planning on making a trip to Oswego next week. We always used J-Plugs while trolling for salmon. I haven't read any reports of these being used anymore. Are they now obsolete? Is there any reason why no one is mentioning them? Are they a thing of the past or are they only used when the salmon are in shallower waters? Need your advice....don't want to waste my time using them if they are not the preferred lure. Thank you!!!
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