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  1. Received it thank you
  2. They are out stock Gill was hoping someone had some extras to sell
  3. I am looking for a Couple of Fixed Alberta Clipper sliders
  4. In the future have the spoons Lacquered before painting, this will make paint stick to spoon. There are a ton of spoons on the market 2 or 3 hits and paint is gone .
  5. Matt The Optimizer comes in a 3 5/8" and 4 1/4" in the next 4 weeks we will have a 2 1/4" Optimizer. Ran it through field test last Wednesday it hooked up half our catch. It was just a plain Brass spoon will not have the Hex patter like the # 3 & # 4
  6. What spoons do you like for rough water?
  7. Any Graduates of University of Goi Island , Class of 1968-1969
  8. Out west (Calif) number 1 has been Optimizer # 4 by Trinidad Tackle all Black has been top choice
  9. 7/30/19 Lake Ontario Ny. Mark Schuman Running Trinidad Tackle 9" Stainless Steel Green Dodgers off 400' Copper "Stan, I was able to run the Trinidad Tackle 9 inch dodger on the 400 copper today and it produced 2 kings of the 7 we boated. We kept a 6 fish limit, nothing big, but it was fast fishing. We were done by 10am. I ran the dodger with a twinkie meat rig and familiar bite green label herring at 2.6 mph according to the probe rigger that was set at 80 feet down with a spoon. Lots of 2 year olds hanging in 120 feet of water this morning."
  10. Class A Sportfishing Yesterday at 12:54 PM · Fish were finicky as the morning went on... Some Diesel Brownies lately ... Nice box completed courtesy of Optimizer Lures.com... Browns were snapping at 3.2 on the Fish hawk.
  11. Using Trinidad Tackle 9" Stainless Steel Dodgers for these 8 Ocean run Wild King Salmon
  12. stan

    Ice Fishing

    Pap that sure does, I see all these posts on Facebook, Thought it was kind of funny to have a fishfinder on a hole. Now make sense in the way you described it Nope I don't way to ice fish Thanks.
  13. stan

    Ice Fishing

    I have never ice fished in my life. The questions is why do these guys use a fishfinder in the hole they have in the ice?
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